
The Importance Of Being At Risk Of Harm

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Professionalism Last placement has provided opportunities to demonstrate my flexibility and management skills by working independently and as a team player. Within this position, I have taken responsibility for organising my own diary, prioritising and managing my workload, whilst also assisting colleagues; hand-delivering urgent letters, transporting children to/from school in emergencies and accompanying on risky visits. This was achieved in the context of adapting to working within a new environment. During placement, I adhere to Hull City Council policies and procedures and government legislation. For example, I write my whereabouts on the board to keep myself safer when working alone, and explained to child A my duty to breach …show more content…

Throughout practice, I aimed to protect and promote the rights of service users, and involve them in decision-making process. For instance, to respect the privacy of the father of J, I sought consent before sharing personal and sensitive information with his partner. At the same time with this family, I combated the ethical dilemma of their right to a ‘private life’ versus the right of the children being protected. I found listening and providing parents with honest information allowed the parents to offload their feelings and make an informed choice about whether they wished to engage with me. This in turn, broke down the barrier of resistance and developed a respectful partnership where we started to work together to achieve positive change. Diversity Working alongside people from alternative backgrounds, I am broadening my understanding of diversity, including cultural, class and gender. Within this, I have seen how easily social workers can form stereotypical assumptions that fathers pose more of a risk than mothers, and from this enforce restrictions which potentially seem unfair. I have aimed for a non-judgemental and anti-discriminatory approach which has allowed me to form positive working relationships with a variety of different service users. One example of this is through effectively supervising contact sessions with parents experiencing long-term substance misuse problems or mental health

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