
The Importance Of Clinical Placements For Nurses

Decent Essays

Facilitating clinical placements is also another strategy for shortage of nursing that many counties faced. But the impediment to develop a higher capacity of programs in the nursing field lies with the administration of site placements for nursing professionals. In a response to this problem, what is need to the health healthcare institutions need nursing education corporations that would help in employing an online placement program for nurses. This strategy will also help in suitable training of nurses and allow them to handle advances in technology within their practice. Clinical placements are perfect in exposing the nurses and building their experience in respective fields, while helping them to overcome the trials they face in …show more content…

It would also give positive encouragement in welcoming the fresh student to the field in nursing after graduation from the nurse profession.
Within the video “Nursing Shortages and International Migration” although the mostly focused on the problem on nurse shortage in Canada, one of the solution that was been consider, is inviting international students and integrate them to the healthcare system with Canada.

How to overcome barriers and Implement Changes
To find solutions to both the barriers and Challenges to the problem of the nursing shortage by itself a challenge. But there is possible way overcome this barrier through strategizing properly. The first step to solving this issue is that government are needed to be at front or limelight to solve the inadequate funds barrier. This encouragement is a great solution to many healthcare facilities that may have a low capacity of training their employees (Huber, 2010). With the institutions providing basic training to the nurses and the funds from the government will also help to hired more trained professionals to indulge the nurses within the institution in training. The challenge also might worsen with the incapability to sustain the subsidies. Hence the respective government needs to think globally and outsources the funds that will boost the budget that is meant for the subsidies provisions.
An exchanging of problems is also one of the best strategies that are supporting

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