
The Importance Of Crimes In Medieval Times

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The Medieval Times were very harsh and full with death, disease, and crime. The sentences for even the smallest things could lead to you losing your life. These punishments were known as ordeals which helped keep from outbreak happening all across Europe. These Trials or (ordeals) were first Ordeal by Combat where if the victims parents were still alive then they would have to fight for there child's freedom.(Medieval Times and Castle Pg.2) Secondly, Ordeal by fire was usually a for sure sentence where the convicted had to hold a red hot piece of wood and if after three days the wound was healed, the convicted would be considered saved by God and free, on the other hand if there was still a wound mark then they would be sentenced to death …show more content…

The convicted would have to fit an entire piece of bread in their mouth without chewing and have to swallow it whole. If the victim choked then he was guilty, but if he swallowed it whole without choking then he was innocent.(Medieval Times and Castle, Pg.2) Lastly, used was Ordeal by Cold Water. (Medieval Times and Castle, Pg.3) It was told that the water was so pure that it would save the innocent. They would fill a barrel up with cold water and if the accused sank then they were innocent, but if they floated then they were guilty. In different regions there were more moral laws practiced like trials. Much like today the trials would take place in a courthouse and the jury would prove the convicted innocent or …show more content…

A crime against God is almost a creation death penalty. The church was not someone you messed with back in Medieval Times. The Church had its own courts, its own lawyers, its own legal tradition, and a huge amount of rules and regulations that you had to follow to be a member. Their weren't many laws against the king that were serious other then Treason ( trying to overthrow the king ) and obviously assassination. These would lead to instant death sentence and your family would be left with nothing afterwards. So how did people even know about the convicted, or crimes being committed? In Medieval Times they had their own form of police. These weren't exactly officers but they still had police powers much like today. There were no forensics so that officials had to trust the testimony of others. This was a very corrupt system and many crimes were either left alone or had the pettiest crimes come with the harshest punishments. In the Medieval Times it was all about how involved in the church you were and how high of royalty you were. You could get away with anything if you were royalty and was involved heavily with the

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