
Compare To Patterns Of Criminal Activity And Violence In England

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Compare to patterns of criminal activity and violence in England during this period. Explain their effect on the development of constitutional law and political freedom in England. Finally, explain how English Common Law influenced the American criminal justice system. Provide an example. England has a reasonable repute for cruelty. A mutual awareness of the Middle Ages is that society was abused by continuous violence and social indifference against fatalities by the insistent dignity of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse continuously pushing back and forth across Europe. After reading Chapter 3 in our book. The two patterns of criminal activity and violence I would like to compare that took place in England during this period are blood feud’s and Trial by Ordeal. Crime control was built on Kindred grouping an individual’s relatives because if they were injured by another group they had their own supporters. Their supports could bail them out of trouble by paying compensation to the other member in which they killed or hurt families. If a member gets expelled from group they are deprived from being protected and this gives the sheriff permission to injure, or kill the expelled individual through the practice of outlawry. Rather than being called an outlaw, the person is named an adjurer. An individual who withdraws somberly, which involved him wearing a white robe and cross and being subjected to all types of persecutions, an abjurer was not permitted to remain in a

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