In addition, Cemlyn (2008) focuses on the importance of cultural diversity, especially respecting and accepting ethnic minority group. More voluntary work in different sectors will be available for Chinese students. Also, local government and service organizations have advocated that local people need to be open for international students and are encouraged to make friends with each other (Oatey and Xiong, 2006). Such multiple cultural networks will be beneficial to avoid social exclusion effectively. As for Chinese families in Britain, there are not sufficient social welfare and adequate funding to satisfy Chinese people’s various needs from social activities and cultural cohesion, especially older people who suffer with mental illness (Bhui, et al., 2012; Chan, Cole and Bowpitt, 2007; Au and Png, 1997 cited in Yu, 2006). It has been apparently shown that Chinese occupy 0.4 percent of the British population, but 38% of the Chinese tends to be weak in social support, and they are faced with racial discrimination and unequal rights (Office for National Statistics, 2004 cited in Greena et al., 2006; Chan et al., 2004). In addition, Chinese people in Britain might suffer direct and indirect inequality from health care services, such as language problems, legal identify and cultural insensitivity (Chau, 2008; Davies, Basten and Frattini, 2006; Payne et al., 2005). In particular, Chinese people who have legal rights to health services, perhaps do not know how to utilise this
Cultural diversity exists in every society, and different countries, regions and ethnic has its own cultural diversity which has been reflecting in the value, ethnic customs, politics and legislations, religion and belief, language and way of thinking, and regulations and norms. Cultural diversity has both advantages and disadvantages working with people from different cultures could help to broaden the knowledge of an individual and develop their attitude towards other could also help to
Does race really matter on our tv screens? The facts, statistics and stories that follow this question almost a century after the invention makes the answer clear. What you see on television is a big part of what how people regard other cultures and diversity as a whole. The misconceptions of how the world looks and works dramatically impacts the audience, and what they think is the societal norm.
A way this movie can relate to this class would be the diversity issues of race, and gender. In my Cultural Diversity class we learn a lot about diversity in race and gender and what causes it to take place which can lead to your values of families back then. Values were completely different years back. If you’re taught what is right is to have slaves and it’s all you ever see then people will follow along. Because, if you don’t follow along with the values of ones close to you sometimes it could of lead to death, judgement from family and friends, or even becoming a slave yourself as punishment. Values are described as the deep subjective ideals and standards by which members of a culture judge their personal actions and those of others(Page
Australia is a multicultural and multiracial country. After the end of The Immigration Restriction Act 1901, an unprecedented number of immigrants has shifted to Australia from diverse cultural backgrounds, which accelerate the expansion of Australian multiculturalism (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). Among all the immigration groups, along with the Europeans, labourers and business people from Asia countries have shifted to Australia to promote the Australian globalisation, and brought their cultures into Australia. As time passed by, abundant young migrants have replaced the place of the first-generation immigrants from the perspective of economic globalisation in Australia. At the start of 21st century, Australia have become one of the most culture-diverse country in the world, and a great number of young international students have entered to Australia seeking for educations and career opportunities (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). In particular, Chinese students, which is one of the largest population groups, quickly became one of the most notable international student groups in Australia. With the potential of future development of young generation and their multicultural identities, they are playing a crucial role in modern Australia society. This essay will argue that the Chinese international students have become one of the most critical immigration groups in the
I have been involved in building programs and cultural training through my work as a Community Advisor (CA) in university residence and as a volunteer for the Centre for International Students and Study Abroad (CISSA). As a CA, I have created educational programs for student residents from diverse backgrounds to promote community engagement. My team and I have organized activities such as language workshops and study abroad events to foster international curiosity and friendship. Volunteering at CISSA has also been a tremendous resource in offering training in cultural competency and inclusivity. I will integrate my cultural training and expertise in developing residence programs to create engaging classroom lessons that emphasize global curiosity, diversity, and intercultural friendship in
Despite being perceived as socio-economically successful and a model to follow, the Asian population is highly diverse economically and culturally. What is more, a great amount of Asians immigrants are suffering from factors that undermine their access to health care services: Such as language barriers, cultural differences and discrimination. Clough, Lee and Chae (2013) examine these four distinctive factors as the main barriers that need to be addressed to guarantee immigrants to gain control over their healthcare. In view of this, the authors propose interventions to aliviate the problems at a micro and macro level. Asian refugees are the most affected group of the Asian population, they are the group with less social services or aid at disposal.
New York City is one of the most multicultural city; however, gentrification leads to traditional cultural fades away. My aunts, MS. Zhu who has lived in Chinatown since 1990s. I wen to Chinatown to visit her last week. When I stopped off Canal Street, I saw there were restaurants and bakery stores were new opened. In addition, a new hotel was built in Elizabeth’s Street. Unfortunately, I also noticed that one bakery store which I loved to shop was closed. I have no idea to figure out why there were so many new businesses opened, but the old store was closed. Besides, I have not gone to Chinatown for long time since I moved to Brooklyn. I thought my aunts might answer my questions. As I continues walking through Canal Street to East Broadway,
Australian universities continually receive growing number and diversity of students from a range of cultures and academic backgrounds. Wang and Cross (2005) argue that new strategies are required for tertiary education, as Chinese students have become a major international student source, 21% of the total international students in Australia in 2004. By analysing the issues that Chinese students are facing, this paper provides Australian universities recommendations on Chinese students’ participation and integration in both academic and local communities.
There are numerous forms of diversity-related issues and cultural dilemmas, which afflict individuals or groups. Both aspects have positives and negatives that may or may not impact others, depending on perspective. For instance, gender can be thought as biologically and by genitalia who is considered to be a man and a woman (Kahn, 2015). This definition may not be all encompassing, as it is much more complex than this. There are individuals that may be transitioning from a man to a woman or vice versa or may identify as a woman or man. In fact, gender has become the center of controversy, for individuals that are transitioning and respecting their right to utilize the appropriate restroom in public. Therefore, this affects individuals that
In regards to diversity training, a third of the SLPs reported not receiving training on multicultural issues as students. A greater percentage of the SLPs working in diverse or non-diverse urban areas had received more extensive training on multicultural issues than those working in rural areas. The survey revealed that SLPs had received training on topics within the questionnaire pertaining to delivery of service concerns more than topics related to cultural issues. With that in mind, half of the SLPs reported they had not received training at all on topics pertaining to cultural issues. When asked about continuing education, the participants mentioned they had received 1.5-3 different types of continuing education activities to gain further
As I recently wrote my autobiography, I was able to reflect upon and gain a better understanding of my life and the influences that shaped my character and beliefs. I then composed a biography of an individual from the Chinese culture named Faith. Writing her story has given me the opportunity to gain a great deal of insight into the influences her different culture has had on her development. There are kindred attributes and stark differences when comparing our two extremely diverse cultures. Nonetheless, I am convinced it is within the differences that subsist between any cultures that the greatest value and benefit to society will be realized. A comparison of our ethnicity, culture, gender, and socioeconomic status is listed below along with an explanation of the benefits that are achieved when our cultures interact, learn, and work together.
It might be surprising too many, but reading the class textbooks, and talking about cultural diversity is not enough. Hence, we ought to challenge ourselves to create methods for when we become teachers in order to be able to help our future students be more aware of cultural diversity inside the classrooms. Carrying further, as a future teacher by taking this class is helping me become more aware of students' cultures other than my own.
Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group not only in China but also worldwide. It is estimated that 1.16 billion people are of Han nationality. Therefore, this means that Han Chinese make up 20% of the world’s population (NCCIH, 2013). As a result, Han Chinese culture has had a significant impact throughout the world and their culture has spread throughout the world particularly in Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, North America and Europe. The Han Chinese people rely predominately on agriculture as their main source of livelihood with rice and wheat as
The United States is home to many multi-racial and multi-cultural populations. With the United States’ open and liberal policy concerning people from multicultural origins, it is inevitable that the country is the choice of destination for many international students. Although opportunities abound for people of multi-racial origins in the United States, it is undeniable that challenges also pose a threat to the smooth transition of international students to the American lifestyle. The increase in diversity in student population characteristics was mentioned in Andrade (2007) with the institutions of higher education in the United States admitting 580,000 international students from 2001-2002.
Every culture has its own views of health care, diseases, and medical interventions. The way people of a given culture view health care affects how they handle themselves when they fall ill. For instance, the Asian culture believes that illnesses are caused by supernatural phenomena, which should be diagnosed and treated by means of spiritual healing or traditional herbs. Physicians and other medical practitioners should try to understand the cultural beliefs of their patients to handle them appropriately.