
The Importance Of Cultural Evolution

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According to Chirot, societies are always changing. These changes take place through the process of modernization, and modernization takes the lead of cultural evolution. When talking about culture, according to Chirot on page 7, culture refers simply to “the store of knowledge any society possesses.” When in reference to cultural evolution (a broader term for social change, pg. 8), this is how societies change. Societies change to keep up with their environments. The process that this change goes through, is when a problem is faced so therefore the society needs to seek a solution. The next step in this process would then be to adopt modern values, therefore the society will become changed, in most cases for the best. When thinking about the process of transitioning via cultural evolution, from hunting and gathering, to agrarian, to industrial societies; the process is not always simple and may take some time. Although when being compared to biological evolution, it is a much shorter process. There are different ways that people adapt. It is much easier for a “strong and wealthy” society to adjust to change and become flexible with this new way of life, compared to a “small” one, that will not adjust as easily, and may even fail. Many of the causes, or forces of change, are a result of a type of pressure. These pressures can be anything from war, economy, disease, or even social problems. A solution to some of these issues, and working towards changing the society, are

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