
The Importance Of Diversity Management

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Diversity management is another strategy public sector organizations can use to retain employees. The Diversity management model is one that many different organizations have chosen to move towards in recent years. One reason for this increase in service delivery is the ability for clients to identify with workers with a cultural similarity occurs if an organization values a diverse workforce. In their journal, “Building an inclusive diversity culture: Principles, processes and practice”, Pless and Maak define diversity management as “an organizational environment that allows people with multiple backgrounds, mindsets and ways of thinking to work effectively together and to perform to their highest potential in order to achieve organizational objectives based on sound principles” (2004). The article, “Challenges in Diversity Management: A Case Study of MediHealth Systems” reported that, “differences among employees create diverse experiences for employees themselves in their organization in terms of performance, motivation, communication, and inclusion” (Pant & Vijaya, 2015). The overall purpose of diversity management is to increase a company’s competitive edge, utilize valuable human resources, provide equal opportunities in an effort to enhance creativity, innovation and problem solving within an organization (Basset-Jones, 2005; Noon, 2007). It is necessary for companies to maintain their competitive edge, especially in the public service, where public and private

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