
The Importance Of Edward Murrow In Good Night And Good Luck

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Throughout his journalism career, Edward Murrow fought for what was right, not for what was easy. The movie, Good Night and Good Luck, shows how he made the controversial decision to challenge Joseph McCarthy in his news reports. McCarthy was a Wisconsin senator who played on the American’s fear of Communism, and he unjustly accused people of associating with Communism without proper evidence. Since McCarthy had the power of persuasion and people were so scared of Communism, he became a powerful figure. Murrow was not intimidated by the senator, and he thought it was vital to report on McCarthy’s actions in order to stop the madness. Overall, Murrow realized the importance of facing important issues and reporting them to the public in order …show more content…

Before the 1950s, reporters typically accepted what the government said, and they avoided reporting disturbing information. In Good Night and Good Luck, Murrow recognized that Americans “are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable, and complacent. We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information; our mass media reflect this.” The loss of his sponsor and television time slot shows that Murrow’s reports on McCarthy were controversial and disliked by some. Even so, Murrow did not quit his investigation of McCarthy’s actions and accusations. In the film, Murrow also realized that Americans needed to “recognize that television, in the main, is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture, too late.” He understood that the news in the 1950s was treating Americans like innocent children, but he recognized that this mentality needed to change. He recognized the importance of hard-hitting, factual, and sometimes controversial news since the media and news helped to inform citizens. American citizens needed to know the truth in order to improve society and to avoid catastrophes before it is too late. He believed that McCarthy was jeopardizing Americans’ constitutional rights, and U.S. citizens should have the right to stop injustices and create change in the government if necessary. Therefore, Murrow was an innovative reporter who risked his reputation in order to bring truth and justice to the American people, and he recognized the importance of properly educating American

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