
The Importance Of English

Decent Essays

English is the first foreign language learned in Indonesia. As the international language, many people try to master English to adapt in this modern era. English is also become an aspect which determines people’s life. For example, English is one of important feature in deciding whether a job seeker is accepted on certain work field. It is proven by TOEFL score as one of requirement mostly needed in signing a career. By realizing the importance of English in further life, many people learn this foreign language as young as possible. Even several parents whoever concerned about their children’s future start to put their at English course since pre-school.
In Indonesian educational system, English is officially taught from junior high school until university. It is categorized as a compulsory subject among the other subjects. In high school, English even is included into subject tested in the national examination. Meanwhile at elementary school, English is categorized as local content, is learned optionally where every school has their own right to decide whether students will learn English or not. Then, the focused skills they learned are listening, speaking, and building vocabularies. According to government regulation of Indonesian Republic number 32 of 2013, local content for each educational unit contains content and learning process about the potential and the local uniqueness such as; local language, English, local arts, local customs, and etc. Perhaps, the local

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