
The Importance Of English Education

Decent Essays

Based on the numerous sources of sound data available, U.S. is currently out-educated. On the latest Program for International Student Assessment form 2015, the United States scored an average in reading and science, and below average in math. Results had been unchanged since 2000. U.S. scores are behind global leaders like Finland, South Korea and Canada. It is not a surprise that Shanghai outscored every other country, in all areas tested.

As U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Dunkan said at the Foreign Language Summit, 2010: “We have to educate our way to a better economy, just as our competitors are doing. We see this as a challenge to get better, and one place we obviously need to get better is in teaching languages. The United States is a long way from being the multi-lingual society that so many of our competitors are. My message to you today is that K-12 schools and higher education institutions must be part of the solution to our language gap.”
A world-class education requires students to read and communicate other languages, in addition to English. We need the Department of Education support now, more than ever, in implementing second language instruction starting with early education and continuing engaging students in language, throughout high school and college. In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, it is without a doubt of utmost importance for the citizens of the United States to become fluent in the world languages. As Americans, we have

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