
The Importance Of Environmental Education

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Environmental education has been a priority for many educators in the past and even more so since the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA,2008) emphasised sustainability in education as a key priority for young Australians to become confident, creative, active and informed local and global citizens. The Melbourne Declaration identified three areas, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability as key development areas. These three areas have been incorporated into the Australian national curriculum to create active and informed global citizens and it is a test of these outcomes for sustainability and environmental awareness that this study will determine and analyse.
- What impact, if any, does environmental awareness have on student study choices?
- Do new university students live sustainably?
- How effective has the Australian national curriculums priority on sustainability been in creating informed global citizens?

Research Question
As a result of the priority placed on sustainability within the Australian national curriculum, do first year university students at James Cook University Townsville have an increased awareness of the environment and live in a sustainable manner?

Hypothesis That fresh high school graduates have an increased awareness of the connection between environmental systems and humanity, have

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