
The Importance Of Eugenics In Modern Science

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Understanding human genetics and makeup in modern science has aided in preventing inheritable diseases and defects. What if the science is used to eradicate undesirable populations of people based on their color, financial status, having children out of wedlock, disabled or mentally ill?
Eugenics, a commonly acceptable means if protecting society from the off spring of individuals deemed inferior or dangerous, sought to improve the quality of human genetic qualities (Ko, 2016). The poor, disabled, mentally ill, criminals and people of color were all considered inferior or dangerous. The thought behind eugenics was to prevent persons with undesirable traits to reproduce and allow the possibility of their undesirable genetics to be passed on to their offspring. The 1927 U.S. Supreme Court Case Buck v. Bell was based on a poor white woman, Carrie Buck, who was the first person to be sterilized in Virginia, under the Virginia Eugenical Sterilization Act, signed into act in 1924 (Ko, 2016). Eugenics relates to the modern biological theories of criminality. Biosocial criminology sees the interaction between biological and the physical and social environments as key to understanding human behavior (Schmalleger, 2016). The perspective of biosocial criminology theory includes: genetics, heritability, hormones and brain dysfunction (Schmalleger, 2016).
The popularity of eugenics spread through the U.S. during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s (Biological Theories, n.d.). Positive and

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