
The Importance Of Exercise Is Impressed Upon Most People From A Young Age Essay

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The importance of exercise is impressed upon most people from a young age by everyone from parents, teachers and health professionals to the media. Regardless of this, obesity is on the rise in western countries, especially America, and children are becoming increasingly sedentary (Mitchell, Catenacci, Wyatt & Hill, 2011). Obesity is directly related to a plethora of diseases such as diabetes and coronary artery disease, the rates of which will continue to soar if nothing is done (Mitchell et al., 2011). Technological advancements are instrumental in this increase in sedentary behavior, from allowing easier and quicker transportation in automobiles to providing endless amounts of entertainment, removing the need to entertain oneself by getting active (Mitchell et al., 2011). One can derive just as much excitement and mental stimulation from television shows and video games as from playing sports. Also, the increased ability of humans to interact using social media also removes another incentive to exercise since one does not need to engage in physical activity, such as joining a sports team, to meet and connect with others (Mitchell et al., 2011). Many do not have a full understanding of the wide range of benefits that result from regular exercise in all aspects of our lives. Physical activity results in more than weight loss, and has both direct and indirect effects on preventing diseases of the body and the mind since it increases the probability of making

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