
Exercise : Exercise And Exercise Essay

Better Essays

We are all aware that exercise helps you physically. A big portion of us are ignorant to the fact that exercise can help you mentally as well. I say ignorant because well all know that exercise is physically helpful, but are unaware that it also helps us in our everyday thinking. Exercise helps us release stress, which helps us be calm and make wiser decisions without overthinking any situation. Many of us, or if not all of us, have experienced or are experiencing stress of some sort. Instead of crying and staying in bed having bad thoughts, you should go for a jog or even a walk will help. Keep in mind that exercise does not always have to be weights, gym. Neither does it have a time limit. What I mean is that you can do exercise for as little as twenty minutes, or as much as two hours or more. Anything that is physical is exercise. Therefore, you can use exercise as a “tool” to writing a very good paper. Exercise can help improve your writing because it will help you be more creative, and it will help you mentally.
Although it is kind of difficult to realize that exercise helps you mentally, exercise will help you think outside the box. I do not mean it in the way that of you do not do exercise, you will not make decisions as smart as people who do exercise. What I mean is while doing exercise, you forget about the outside world, and you just focus on your workout. Also, even if you are just going for a walk and not working out, you are listening to music while you walk or

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