
The Importance Of Fighting In World War I

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No, not on the battlefield, I do not have the stamina nor the tolerance to be able to fight in the war, although I would probably do the best I could from the house or city I was living in by making food, making or tending clothes, and even attacking small bands of the British. I am not one to maintain long periods of time away from family and friends. The housing in the winter of 1777 to 1778 was horrendous (according to the Valley Forge: Would you have Quit? Background Essay). The average space was a 16 foot by 14 foot tent housing 12 people in one tent, leaving only 18 ⅔ feet per person not including the space it took for supplies. Each tent had no beds whatsoever, just straw and a mud floor. Cold and smoke, from no ventilation other than

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