After graduating with a degree in a specified profession, giving back to the community is one of the most important tasks an individual can do to fully expand on their degree. After graduating college as an educated person, giving back to society for me would include, joining community clubs such as Kiwanis, Rotary, The Chamber of Commerce, and many more community bettering* clubs. My responsibility as an educated person would be to go out into the real world and better the community around me, building better foundations for businesses, creating a better town for people to live in, and supporting a local charity in need. Assisting business owners in your community is one of the most important attributes you can do when bettering the area
One deciding to serve their surrounding community in an attempt to better the lives of people living in that community is one of the most selfless actions one individual person can perform. Throughout my time in high school career I committed myself to serving the broader community in order to better society whether it be me serving as Co-President of Life is Delicious or raising money for Special Olympics Connecticut by doing the Penguin Plunge.
I can give back to my community by designing the floor plans for houses in my town. I will be able to give each person a personalized floor plan to make every house different. I would also try to design the floor plans for new buildings and business. As a kid, my parents taught me to give back to others especially when someone in your community needs help. I would also be able to give money to charities from the sales of the blueprints that I will make.
Politically, socially, environmentally or one person at a time, how will you give back to society? Day in and day out many citizens change the world, or they do just the opposite and make the world a worse place than when they woke up. The article I chose to review is, “Community Service” written by Robert Coles. The article tells a story of college students who make a difference in the world through peer tutoring, an act of community service, and have such an impact that they act as role models for Coles and he begins to do the same. Briefly in the beginning of the article, Coles states that, “students are likely to express their lofty political and social impulses and practical desires to change the world through community service, even if in limited or modest ways.”(Robert Coles, pg.93) We must make an ultimate decision about the world we live in, will we choose to make a difference in the lives of fellow citizens or discriminate and punish not only them but ourselves by not sharing the knowledge we have been taught.
I am a member of National Honor Society. We volunteer and help people in anyway we can. So far I have about 20 hrs of community service. I helped my teacher moved everything in his class during the summer. I helped an old woman raked leaves in her backyard. I volunteered to assist my high school's registration. I lend a hand to elementary school children and basically played and watched them. I assisted a youth wrestling tournament. There are many more services in which I hoped to help out.
From being active in my community I have learned that after giving, you receive the best feeling. My freshman year, my friends and I dressed up like Disney princesses and sang at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Columbia, Missouri. I have gone back two more times because I am in love with cheering people up. Since this experience, I have made it a mission to always continue to participate in community service. From meals-on-wheels, to adopt-a-spot trash clean up I am always ready to help out the community.
In regard to community, I have volunteered for my clubs, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), BPA (Business Professionals of America), NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), Cross Country and others. From helping the club itself to representing the club through charitable acts, such as making christmas a little better for military families, or helping at assisted living centers. My parents taught me at a young age how to be a considerate
I believe that it is extremely important to help others, and this also provides an appreciation for the people around you. I make sure to participate in a service project at least once a month to give back to the community. For example, I take part in Animal Anti-Cruelty every month. By helping animals in animal shelters, I can aid the animals that give people so much joy. Benefitting the community enables you to reflect on your own actions and how to further help others, and it is fun to take part in helping causes that I am passionate about.
I hope to leave an impression that makes them want to do good for others, as I have done for them. I participate in many activities that involve giving back to the community. The flood that occurred in August of 2016, helped shape me to take initiative and to give back to individuals in need. Another community service act that I was proudly part of was Feed My Starving Children. I participated while on a mission trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota for my high school youth group through church. I filled and boxed bags of food for children in Africa. It made me feel so good to know that I was helping feed a countless amount of children who are not as fortunite as many of us here in America. I was also lucky enough to be given the chance to give back to the Veterans. I moved and cleaned tables and chairs at the new AMVETS center here in Waverly. It felt great to give back to those individuals who have fought to protect us Americans. It was a neat experience to see the smiles on their faces. I could tell it meant a lot to them when in reality I was the one who was grateful. This is something I will forever cherish.
There are many ways that we can give back to our veterans and soldiers. These services can range from donating money or clothes to writing letters of thankfulness to them and praying for their safety in the battlefield. We should all feel entitled to do at least one work of service for these amazing people. You can not be too young to show your thankfulness. My way of giving back to the soldiers and country is by volunteering in my schools Beta Club organization. This club ensures that I. An learn and participate in ways that shape my state into a more functional environment. On matin Luther King Day of 2016, I volunteered with my club to paint murals around the downtown areas of Baton Rouge. I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to
My community has been a huge part of life growing up. They have been there to help me grow and continue to grow while achieve the goals i have always wanted for myself. It is not all about me. Giving back to your community is key to helping them help future students just like me. My community has done so much for me that i try to give back in the same ways.
There are some things we need to discuss about our community. There are many problems and littering around the world. Services are all around even if you don't need to have the hours for community service. There are tons of people who are willing to work for their community to make it a better living place for them and the animals around it. Giving back is a great way to fulfill your community service requirement for school or a club, build your resume, and make a difference in your community. However, sometimes, it's difficult to find an exciting volunteer opportunity.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
After high school, I plan to continue by volunteering at events around the community and the college I will be attending at. I am going to participate and join clubs at the University of Washington that focus on community service and provide me opportunities to give back to the community. I think that community service is important in shaping an individual and it would not only benefit me, but I want to give back to the community gave me the opportunities I have now.
While in high school, I have been able to give back to my community through my
I believe the small things make the biggest difference in a community. Over the years, I have served many, worthy volunteer organizations. From lobbying to the state legislators on bills to alleviate hunger in our communities, to serving lunch at the local senior center, to assisting disabled children at sporting events, I’ve enjoyed many opportunities to make a difference on a large scale. But one ordinary day, I did something I am truly proud of and I think it made my community a better place. I was driving home from work one afternoon during the summer. It was hot by San Diego standards; the temperature approaching more than 90 degrees. As I neared my home, there was a team of workers digging trenches to install reclaimed water pipes