
The Importance Of Global Citizenship

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As Eugene V. Debs, an American union leader, once said, “I have no country to fight for, my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world” . Countless of once exclusive societies are nowadays associated with each other in one way or another through various fields such as communications, business, travel, entertainment or political figures, and various more. Throughout the past few years, the attention surrounding the topic of Global Citizenship has increased at an abrupt rate by being addressed via many individuals among a wide range of religious, social, political or economic establishments, or educational institutions that are constantly encouraging students to pursue interests in the enhancement of their knowledge towards an increasingly interconnected world. Throughout the Faith, Global Citizenship and World Religions course it has been shown through the material that was taught that by constantly scrutinizing personal points of view, while at the same time enhancing tolerance towards that of others, defining and correspondingly respecting identities, in addition to incorporating mindfulness and concern to everyday lives may impulse individuals to act towards the making of a global community. During the course, it was established that faith undoubtedly plays a substantial character in the development of the understanding of how an interconnected society functions, specially in the framework of varying personal or social philosophies. A significant factor in such

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