
The Importance Of Going To College

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout every student’s thirteen years of school they are told, by their parents and teachers, that you have to attend college if you want to succeed in life. Before I started my college journey, I thought the reason for going to college was that you could have a high paying job. Then that high paying job would make you super successful, and you would be filthy rich. Which would make all your problems in the world go away. What if they were wrong? That means every student must face this question. Why do I have to go to college? Life never stops. You cannot call a time out when you want to, even when you have to go to school. My uncle went to college right after graduating high school, and it took him eight years to graduate with a …show more content…

The difference being $549, but high school graduates do not have to worry about debt from school. In my eyes that means they make about equal money. If I do not need it for a career, then there must be a bigger reason to go. High school is the place to find which kind of people you like, college is to find out who you really are. Throughout high school you are filtered into categories, but not as extreme as Mean Girls. “You got your freshmen, ROTC guys, preps, J.V. jocks, Asian nerds, Cool Asians, Varsity jocks Unfriendly black hotties, Girls who eat their feelings, Girls who don't eat anything, Desperate wannabes, Burnouts, sexually active band geeks, the greatest people you will ever meet, and the worst. Beware of the plastics.” (IMDb.) You have your popular group of kids, the smart group, and many more. You see cliques of people, not individuals. However, in college anyone and everyone can attend. All different ages are in college. Moms and dads who finally have time to go back to school, people who want to choose a different career path, and those who want to have a better life for themselves and their family. Everyone is an adult, or almost an adult, they do not have time to make categories for people. There is no judgment in college. You can be whoever you want, and that is perfectly acceptable. Which then means the real reason for going to college must be to become a unique individual.
When I was growing up

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