
The Importance Of Government Privacy

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When is government spying and surveillance too intrusive? The American government often oversteps its authority and its rights but an issue most citizens are unaware of is government surveillance and how it oversteps the rights and ideas this great nation was built upon. In the land of the free, ironically government spying and surveillance is a major epidemic. The American government spies on their citizens with the modernized technology made accessible to its citizens and it is unclear how and what the government is using to get information on its citizens. The government uses modern technology like video cameras to watch and surveillance their citizens and our personal devices like our cell phones to track our locations. Our phone calls are often listened to or recorded and our internet history is often tracked and monitored too. This is what the 21st century in the “land of the free” has become to, a society with no privacy. But many Americans are unaware of the microchips that could possibly be inserted into every citizen in the near future and the threats they impose. Futuristically microchips could be inserted into every citizen because of its benefits when their determinants greatly outweigh its benefits. As mentioned earlier, the government oversteps its authority, so can we really trust them with microchipping? Microchips are an even greater threat to privacy in America because of its even greater ability to track people. Government surveillance violates our

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