
The Importance Of Guided Play In Preschool Schools

Decent Essays

Have you ever stopped to think about the importance that preschool plays in your child’s life? We may tend to think that preschool is a time for our children to interact and play with other children their own age. What we may not think about is just how important preschool years are academically as well. Many studies have shown that the preschool years lay the foundation for better academic readiness and social development in children as they get older (Hines, McCartney, Mervis, & Wible, 2011, as cited by Weisberg, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff, 2013). Many preschool teachers build this foundation through two methods of teaching: direct instruction and free play. But what if there is a better way for teachers to mold the minds of our young children that promotes even more readiness and development?
Weisberg, Hirsh-Pasek, and Golinkoff (2013) reviewed the effectiveness of guided play as a teaching method in preschool classrooms. Guided play brings together the pros of direct instruction and free play into one collective method. The child and adult play together while the adult discreetly adds in guided instructions. This method allows children to remain active and in control of their learning while the adult only helps along the way. Studies have shown that children …show more content…

For example, its been shown that guided play promotes shape knowledge (Fisher, Hirsh-Pasek, Newcombe, & Golinkoff, 2013, as cited by Gunderson, 2015). The children in the guided play condition were able to correctly sort out real triangle from shapes that were not triangles, even if the triangles were not typical looking. Fisher et al. (2013) founded that children in the guided play condition, where they were actively involved in pointing out the distinguishing features of shapes without direct answers given to them, learned more about the defining features of shapes than children in the direct instruction and free play conditions (as cited by Gunderson,

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