
The Importance Of Health Care In California

Decent Essays

Healthcare and access to basic human needs are an essential part of living that everyone should be able to have. However, in San Bernardino County, only 79.2% of the people have health insurance. This is lower than the California statewide average which is almost 90%. In San Bernardino, there are 54 hospitals throughout the county. (San Bernardino County CA Hospitals, 2017). Yet there are still delays in health care. About 16.4% reported a delay in healthcare, because of lack of insurance or no access to a healthcare setting.
When it comes to our welfare systems, San Bernardino County has increased poverty levels compared to the state of California. The poverty level was mentioned above. California has the highest amount of people on …show more content…

Not too long after this, in 1822, the mission was abandoned due to the fact that California had become a Mexican territory. The mission was now known as a Rancho which would later be owned by the Lugo Brothers who eventually established it as part of the “Spanish Trail” trading post. When California became a part of the United States in 1848, the Lugo brothers sold the land to Mormon settlers; they transformed it into a temperance town in which no gambling or drinking was allowed, a big contrast to what it had been in the past. In 1854, the area was officially established as a city with a population of 1,200. What largely impacted the city was the railroads that were built in the late 1800s and the gold found, opening up travel opportunities, increasing numbers in population, and progressing commerce (City of San Bernardino, 2017d).
After filing for bankruptcy in August 2012, the city has since been working on improving the state of the community. When the city first filed for bankruptcy it reported a deficit of over $45 million; just last year, the city’s bankruptcy plan was approved. It helped to pave the road for the city’s exit from bankruptcy (Nisperos & Hagen, 2013).
The most notable and current community development is the Downtown Development Project taking place in the Carousel District and Theatre square. The plan is to take advantage of the

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