Sutter Health is a non-for-profit community based healthcare and hospital system based in Sacramento, CA. This system serves patients and their families in more than 100 Northern California cities and towns, Sutter Health doctors, hospitals and other health care service providers join resources and share expertise to advance health care quality and access. The organization takes its name from California pioneer John Sutter whose namesake fort was one of Sacramento’s original European settlements. In response to the influenza epidemic of 1918, community leaders constructed the first Sutter Hospital in the vicinity of the fort, replacing an old adobe house that had previously served as a makeshift hospital. Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento …show more content…
Within the first three months of the project, the company reduced the number of accounts receivable days for the nine hospitals in the region from 65 to 59. Each one of the A/R days equals $13 million, which in turn means that Sutter Health collected an additional $78 million (Souza& McCarty, 2007). Before beginning the project, Sutter Health identified several areas in which the project needed to focus. There are three identified problems that would result in the staff of Sutter Health being unable to workefficiently. First, the patient financial services Staff or PFS could not access real-time information on key financial and operational indicators such as A/R days and cash collections. To manage this problem they needed to be able to track progress or make important decisions, managers and staff had to wait until the end of the month to do so. Next issue that they acknowledged was the hospital’s accounting system did not allow managers to isolate and analyze select data or generate reports on demand to the level of detail required. Fixing this resulted in the region having to rely on specially trained programmers to develop the reports, which would be costly and cause delays in identifying and correcting the problems. The third problem identified was the central business office (CBO) staff also suffered from the lack of
The U.S. health care system is way more complex than what meets the eye. A major difference between the health care system in the U.S. and other nations, is that the U.S. does not have universal health care. Lack of a universal health care opens up the doors for competition amongst insurance, physicians, technology, hospitals and outpatient services.
Richard Veller, the new CFO for Union Medical Center, began to change the operations of their management. Richard Veller looked to change UMC to an industrial system, which meant that the hospital would view cases as products. Just like any ordinary business, these products would have cost objects and would require an accounting system. In order to allocate costs appropriately, UMC was required to organize their cases into Diagnosis Related Groups to create a functional management control system. These changes brought certain internal issues into the spotlight. If solutions are not found, the hospital will not be able to implement their plans.
To improve the performance, there need to be upgrades with the systems that the hospital uses to keep track of the patients information. I recommend using Epic as a tool to help keep all of the patient’s information confidential and easy to access with a click of a button. This will allow for every department to have access to a certain patient’s file whether to be from a doctor entering notes about the patient’s visit, to health insurance billing department making sure that copays and such are being paid and their accounts are kept up-to-date. The hospital governance plays an important role because of the need for funds to help keep the hospital. By providing more outside events to raise money for the hospital will be a great start to being able to fully provide for each patient that comes through Middlefield Hospital doors.
Sutter Health is a non- for-profit community based healthcare and hospital system based in Sacramento, CA. This system serves patients and their families in more than 100 Northern California cities and towns, Sutter Health doctors, hospitals and other health care service providers join resources and share expertise to advance health care quality and access.
Hospital. Successful transition to lCD-10--CM and ICD-10-PCS requires careful strategic planning and coordination of resources across the entire hospital. Planning for lCD-10 must engage executive leadership, particularly since the coordination challenges span across a wide range of functional areas, including finance, information services, decision support, compliance and the medical staff. Business areas that make up the hospital setting may include: (a) Information systems including health information systems and ancillary departments; (b) Financial services in accounts receivable, billing, and finance; (c) Medical management comprised of medical records, quality/mortality and morbidity data, patient care units, and clinical affairs; and (d) Patient access for admissions, registration, scheduling, and insurance verification.
Kaiser Permanente (KP) was founded in California in 1945. It is one of the largest non-profit healthcare organizations in the United States, made up of three entities: the Kaiser Foundation Hospital, the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and the Permanente Medical Groups. It currently serves about 9.1 members within the following states: California, Colorado, Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Georgia. With a few exceptions, it mostly operates under a managed care model, owning the physician network and the facilities its members use to receive medical services (Fast Facts, 2013).
Central Hospital in Tempe, Arizona decided to implement a computerized Medication Administration Record (MAR) into one of their small locations before rolling it out to the entire organization. Art Baxter, the Chief Information Officer in charge of Medical Information Systems (MIS) at Central Hospital assigned Kate Cohen, a programmer and analyst, as the Project Manager. Kate formed a project team but failed to include representatives from departments that were going to use the system. Unfortunately, the key stake holder/users did not have a seat at the table. Even though the
The purpose of this task is g to evaluate why the new NHS record system (NpfIT) was deemed a failure. Some of the focuses will be on how the suppliers failed and evaluate this issue. This issue will then be compared with the Prince2 project method and see where the failings took place in the planning and the final part will be to show how these issues could have been avoided, based on the background reading.
Additionally, the unwillingness of the business office employees to accept onsite help from the hospital financial analyst team. They appear to be content with the status quo, which has resulted in their current financially precarious situation. They do not have the foundation needed, which should be as described by Weiss, Hassell, and Parks (2013) “…fertile enough to accept the seeds of change and to nurture them to grow” (p. 492).
The following pages present a brief analysis of sample data from one healthcare organization. Accompanying this written report are spreadsheets of the company's financial data its balance sheet and its statement of revenue and expenses that provide not only the figures from the audited reports of the hospital examined, but also show the change from year to year on each item as both a dollar amount and a percentage. Changes of more than five percent are considered worthy of discussion, and as these documents show much
One of the challenges I will face as a CEO is the result of reduction in payments from Medicare and the financial strain it will cause on my hospital. Providing quality care and remain financially strong in a system of fee for service (Weiss, 2010). We have payment systems which reward in units of work not for the care outcomes. We must provide increasing efficiency, care that is appropriate and using resources wisely all in the best interests of patients.
The U.S. health care system is a scrutinized issue that affects everyone: young, old, rich, and poor. The health care system is comprised of three major components. Since 1973, most Americans have turned to managed-care programs, known as HMOs. The second type of health care offered to Americans is Medicare, health care for the elderly. The third type of health care is Medicaid, a health care program for the poor.
America is without a question the leading country of medical and scientific advances. There always seem to be a new medical breakthrough every time you watch the news or read the paper, especially in the cure of certain diseases. However, the medical research requires an enormous amount of money. The U.S. spends the most money on health care yet many people, mainly the working class Americans are still without any type of health insurance and thus are more susceptible to health risks and problems. The concept of health insurance for Americans was formulated over a century ago. Most Americans obtain health insurance from
The Riverview Children’s Hospital is eight months behind schedule with the implementation of a new computerized financial system. Management wants the system to be in place by the end-of-year audit [April], which is only six weeks away. However, management estimates that there is only a fifty percent chance that the system will function correctly if its implementation is rushed. While this makes a case for delaying the implementation, it also pushes the schedule into another fiscal year, bringing a large set of expenses over with it. The board wants to avoid this. A decision must be made that weighs the pros and cons of pursuing implementation before the audit versus the delay of the implementation until after the
Financial statements have several key components and specific criteria into them to relay the detailed information for auditors and management. A deeper look into financial statements and the many concepts surrounding them are needed to explain in more detail. It’s also important to recognize the Auditor’s opinion letter, balance sheet, operating statement, statement of changes in net assets, and statement of cash flows and footnotes of their involvement in the process. Relevant accounting articles are a useful supplement to financial statements and how they enhance concepts in the financial statement. The meaningful uses of financial statements for health care organizations are the epitome of current and future success of financial health.