
The Importance Of High School Sports

Decent Essays

Introduction Sports programs were introduced to US high schools in the 19th Century and today, these programs remain and have even gained popularity. The growing emphasis on the importance of these programs may be to the detriment of a student’s overall education. Students are more concerned about how they will perform on the sports field over how they are performing in the classroom. But has anyone ever considered, what might occur if these US high schools were to discontinue their sports programs? Would the schools and students benefit or be harmed by doing away with high school sports? If high school sports were eliminated in the US, the schools could reallocate sports funding toward the students, teachers and other academic progams. Student-athletes would have more time to time to be focused in school which could help them achieve better grades and test scores. Also, teachers would have more benefits such as higher pay, possibly fewer hours and students would be easier to teach.

Student-Athletes Students that play high school sports spend many hours practicing, playing and traveling to their athletic events. Jen Pashley states in her article, How Often we Practice, that the average high school athlete spends about 10-12 hours a week participating in their respective sport. If sports at the high school level were canceled, these student-athletes would have around 1-2 more hours a day to work
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