
The Importance Of Imagination

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Patricia A. McKillip is quoted as saying, “Imagination is the golden-eyed monster that never sleeps. It must be fed; it cannot be ignored.” And, as children people believed in monsters that lurked in the dim shadows of our bedrooms or hid beneath their bed; monsters that only existed in our imaginations. As adults, the monsters no longer lurk, ready to pounce from darkness, but are their imaginations running rampant. When faced with danger, the mind spirals down two different paths prompted by fear. There is the path of reason. It is an analytical process taking into account of all the known knowledge and present situation in a logical view. And then, there is imagination, fantasies crafted by the mind. Imagination is prone to being unrealistic but is strongly influenced by our emotions. Once the golden-eyed imagination monster emerges from fear, it cannot be ignored as stated in the quote. Imagination becomes vivid in its scenarios, producing the worst of images, and the mind can do nothing but listen to the monster because it fears the worst over what is realistic. Imagination overcomes reason when the mind fears its own fantasies to an extent of overlooking reason. Imagination’s strength in fear can be seen in the life and death situation of the Sailors of Essex in Karen Thompson Walker’s TedTalk, Roderick’s debilitating fear of the future in Edgar Allen Poe’s “Fallen House of Usher,” and real life situations where the mind believes in the unlikely death scenarios

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