
The Importance Of Language And Intercultural Learning

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Component 1; A journal, in digital format, which explores personal, professional and pedagogical insights into language and intercultural learning.
Language is a necessity for everyday life. It gives us the ability to communicate, to express personalities and beliefs to build a more diverse, functional society. It is essential for children to have this ability to appreciate and experience multiple different cultures, as this presents them with many opportunities in later life. I am going to explore the ways in which effective pedagogy, professional understanding and personal insights have an impact to create and intercultural classroom and a class of children with a love for language learning.

Language is identified as a communicative system involving an active speaker and a passive listener. It’s also regarded as social practise and a way in which social groups constitute themselves. Liddicoat, A.J and Scarino A. (2013). Intercultural language teaching and learning. Oxford, United Kingdom Retrieved from (Accessed 1st December 2017). However, cultural identities are generally viewed as fixed rather than chosen dependant on language spoken and past heritage, rather than a personal choice or an area that can continue to be developed. Cantle.T (2012). Interculturalism – the new era of cohesion and diversity. Basingstoke, United Retrieved from (Accessed 1st December

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