
The Importance Of Learning A Foreign Language

Satisfactory Essays

Should English speakers concern themselves with learning another language? English speakers need not concern themselves with learning other languages, as speaking in foreign tongues is overly cumbersome, the time can be spent learning more useful skills, and English is spoken worldwide already.
Learning a foreign language simply to communicate with another is inefficient and awkward. Since English has become increasingly globalized and is now seen by many as the dominant language, we have no need to devote time into learning a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is pleasant for intellectual self-improvement. Even though some people know how to speak it, they might come off using it in a different manner than everyone else who speaks it. Many languages also have different slangs for different words, it would be very difficult for someone to learn this and use it properly in the real world without causing disturbance. “There are roughly 6,900 living languages in the world” (source B). This claim proves that it would be hard to learn many of these languages and still be able to have a full conversation in another language without incorrectly pronouncing words or phrases. “The amount I had to do to be sure I didn’t miss nuance or cultural cues and didn’t draw conclusions based on erroneous translation, was significant” (source D). Learning a new language comes with learning its ethnic background and understanding of cultural cues as source D states. This could lead

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