Imagine being a woman with an unplanned pregnancy and no ability to get an abortion because the law prohibits it. Imagine being scared, confused, and anxious because you don’t have the basic right of control over your own body. Imagine having to succumb to illegal, life-threatening procedures because you feel like you have no other choice. There are women across the nation who feel and endure these unimaginable and terrifying hardships, which is why abortions should be legal throughout the United States. First, illegalizing abortions will not eliminate the practice of the procedure as intended, but will instead leave women scared, confused, and without any safe options. In fact, “abortion rates are similar in countries where it is legal and …show more content…
For instance, anti-abortionists argue that a slight flinch detected in the fetus during abortions is an indicator of pain. However, this flinch is merely a reflex that occurs “at the level of the spinal cord,” which does not involve the brain, a necessity for the perception of pain (Miller). Furthermore, various studies have shown that fetuses are incapable of feeling pain “until the 29th or 30th week of gestation,” which is “long after most abortions are performed” (“Should Abortions Be Legal?”). Moreover, many neurologists argue that the fetal nervous system and the neurons that are essential to carry pain signals to the brain aren’t fully developed until late into gestation (Miller). In order to experience pain, “all the pathways of the nerves need to be connected and functioning,” and “it’s not until around 30 weeks that there is evidence of brain activity that suggests the fetus is ‘awake’” (Miller). Even so, it is “extremely rare” and “often restricted by state laws” to have an abortion that late into a pregnancy (“Should Abortions Be Legal?”). Despite the countless arguments from protesters across the country, scientific evidence validates that fetuses cannot feel pain when the vast majority of abortions are performed. Thus, everyone should stop being so concerned with the lives of the unresponsive, unconscious fetuses and focus on providing women with access to …show more content…
It is utterly unfair and immoral to place women in a situation in which they are helpless and voiceless, especially when there is an option to give them the jurisdiction over their bodies that they rightly
If abortions were illegal, the death rate of women would increase due to unsafe black market abortions. 78,000 women have died each year since 1970 because of unsafe abortions. Whereas, legal abortions give women the chance to have a clean and safe abortion. There's also a higher rate of infection with unsafe black market abortions because there is no trained doctor in the practice of abortion. There is also other methods to abort a child like the day after pill. The day after pill works just like an abortion would. It causes the female to have a miscarriage. The day after pill will only work in a certain time frame though. Sometimes it is not the woman’s fault this is happening to
A woman’s choice is her choice, she should chose what she wants to do with her body, and when and where she wants to do it. Stopping abortions would not only result in the sky rocketing of illegal life threatening abortions, it is also a major step back, after numerous attempts at a step foreword. The prohibition of abortion not only has a negative impact on the child, but also a negative impact on the mother forced to raise the child, especially if the mother is young and
Pro- choice counters this with stating abortion that it should be a fundamental right and fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when abortion is performed. It is argued any moment or reactions seen in fetuses when they detect pain are more of a reflex not actual proof that the fetus feels anything. (McDonough, 2013) Even though the spinal cortex is needed to feel pain, neuroscientists believe that it does become functional until at least 26 weeks if development. At this stage in the child’s development it is rare abortion happens. The choice should still be left in the mother’s hand, for it her body and her control over her productive
Women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies and or self. The most common phrase said is “My Body, My Choice” women have rights just like men do. We are surrounded by rights. We all must make choices in our lives based on what we believe is safe and best for ourselves at that time. Thus, women have that right to decide to have an abortion or not.
From research published in The New England Journal of Medicine, experts have concluded premature newborns have to have at least 22 weeks in the womb before being able to survive on itself, well after most abortions are performed. Another well-founded line of reasoning from Pro-Life people is that, “Fetuses feel pain during some procedures.” Actually, according to a review by Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, "most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is necessary for pain perception." The cortex doesn’t function until over 26 weeks of gestation, long after almost all abortions happen. Some say that “abortion defies the word of God.” Remember: The United States has freedom of religion, and the US laws have to respect people of all spiritual
The matter of reproductive right is usually presented as a vigorous significance in many articles and deliberations. In my opinion, women are safer when governments are aware that the right to an abortion is a human right, and denying a woman of such right is like stepping out of boundaries. “Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all
Abortion in United States of America is still one of the controversial issues and it is difficult to address even through the presidential campaign. Abortion was allowed almost in thirty states and legal only in special circumstances like pregnancies resulting from rape or incest in twenty states. Due to restriction laws unsafe abortion which is preventable, it still one of important causes of maternal morbidity and mortality.
“The 27-year-old Salvadoran garment worker and single mother had miscarried without ever knowing she was pregnant….hospital staff had suspected her of inducing an abortion and reported her to the police.. A judge sentenced her to the maximum punishment for murder: 40 years in prison” (Albaladejo, A Witch Hunt Against Poor Women,27). This tragic story is sadly not the only one that has happened in countries where abortion laws are not as free as those of the United States, which since the Roe vs. Wade has confirmed women’s rights to abortion. Domestically, the United States seems to be progressive compared to other countries such as Nicaragua, Chile, and Haiti who according to Albaladejo “Have complete bans on abortion” (A Witch Hunt Against
Since 1973, abortion has been considered “legal” in the United States. But, just because abortion is legal, does that automatically justify it as moral? The Bible never clearly states “though shall not abort your children.” On the other hand, Exodus 20:13, states “though shall not murder.” Not only does Exodus speak of prohibiting murder, Genesis 9:3, states that “whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.” According to, abortion became legalized in the United States in 1973; however, does declaring something “legal” grant the power to be morally sound as well (The Christian, n.d.)?
In the United States the abortion has become a big deal in American political landscape. Also is very sadly because is consider it moral issues rather than personal rights or civil liberties.
Important ways of analyzing the abortion issue in the United States can be categorized into five classifications: government legislature, birth control conflicts, women’s rights, religion, and the issue of conception and origin of life. Based on moral or preliminary allegations in support of strict or less oppressive abortion laws developed in America, separates millions of people. While advocates of abortion proclaim the procedure as constitutional, the issue continues to separate politicians by their political parties, the liberals Democrats being “pro-choice” and the conservative Republicans being “pro-life.” The media paints abortion as a moral issue, discussing it from both liberal and conservative angles. Various opinions may be claimed
Abortion has been an extremely controversial social issue that has existed for decades. By the early twenty-first century, abortion has come to be one of the most heated political issues in the world. In many Western nations, abortion is a divisive topic that is usually argued between those who support the left political view and individuals who advocate for the right. Those on the left supports the rights of the mother to control her reproductive rights while the abortion opponents, often times labeling the procedure as. Those who advocate for the rights of the woman are called Pro-Choice while its counterpart is named Pro-Life supporters. In some other countries, once this procedure is legalized it often caused little to no change. As of 2017, an estimated two hundred thousand ten million abortions are performed yearly in various parts of the world, and at least twenty-one million of those are considered to be illegal. “Around thirteen percent deaths are due to the unsafe conditions and or abortion related complications.” This essay will examine the history of countries prior to the installation of abortion and the effects abortion has had on it once being instilled.
Abortion is a growing issue in America. I choose to be prochoice, there’s reasoning behind this. I believe that some women choose abortion for reasons such as for rape, teen pregnancy, and health reasons. Even though rape victims feel that they were ending a life, their choice would be mandatory. I mean how would they treat their illegitimate child if they hate their rapist. For a teenage girl situation, they just aren’t prepared to take on that responsibility, or mature enough. Sometimes these teen girls would become a single mother, with no education or anything to rely on for this child. Health problems are also another reason for a women’s choice of abortion. The choice between saving the mother, who is a functioning person of society,
n 2011, alone 1.06 million women had abortions. This was down slightly from previous years. 85% of these women were unmarried (Surveillance). 18% of women having abortions were teenagers (Rebecca). Nearly 30% of women will have an unintended pregnancy which results in an abortion. 20% of all pregnancy’s will end in abortion (Surveillance). Abortion is an important topic effecting a huge percentage of our population. As such, Abortion should be illegal around the world because it damages relationships, ruins women’s health, and it violates civil rights.
The right to an abortion is a right that women should have. Many women face difficult situations where they find themselves needing to have an abortion. It is up to a woman to choose what is best, according to her, for her life. Modifications to one’s body is allowed, and abortion is just another modification. Women should build one another and not tear each other down by judging each other’s decisions. Women, who decide either to have an abortion, make a life-changing decision that everyone should