
The Importance Of Looking At The Sky

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For thousands of years now, people have been observing the sky and the universe. Most would assume that this did not happen until the Renaissance period, from the 14th to the 17th century, when in fact it started much earlier than that. We can thank many of the Greeks for this matter, such as Aristotle for an example. The main reasons for the use of looking at the sky was obvious in many cases, the two main reasons were for traveling and farming. It was essential for surviving to know the seasons for crops and to tell what kind of weather was to come before going places. One person who played a huge role in astronomy and science was Galileo Galilei. Galileo had paved the way for many modern day scientists and innovations. This man had devoted his entire life to his findings and to better educate the public. In the poem “The Old Astronomer to His Pupil,” it was said by Sarah Williams, “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night,” and this perfectly explains the relationship Galileo had with astronomy. With all the struggles that Galileo went through he could have stopped believing in what he did, yet he never did. His ideas were revolutionary in science and the world.
Galileo Galilei was born on February 15th in the year 1564 in Pisa, Italy. This period of time was right in the middle of the Renaissance era. Galilei was the first born of six children to a famous musician and scholar by the name of Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia degli Ammannati. His family

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