
The Importance Of Maternal And Child Health Progress On A Global Scale Essay

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Importance of Maternal and Child Health Progress on a Global Scale As one of the most significant and pressing priorities of the Unites States government concerning global health, child and maternal health is crucial and must be improved on an international level. Of all the Millennium Development Goals, goals four and five have shown the least amount of progress. The goals which aim to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health, respectively, have shown an embarrisingly minimal amount of progress for the obstrusively simple solutions that accompany the situation. It is essential to strengthen maternal and child health programs as it is a human rights issue as well as a health concern. Women around the world deserve to have improved access to high-quality services. (8) Policies regarding health as well as multisectoral policies are vital in this effort as they will help in establishing a healthy environment which will foster the proliferation and facilitation of interventions. Despite the clear issues that require urgent addressing such as the stagnant maternal death rate and high newborn mortality rates, other issues still require immediate attention as maternal and child health is an incredibly important topic among organizations that are focusing on global health. The reason this issue presents itself in urgency and is becoming a high priority does not solely rest in the severity of the case. The problems that surround maternal and child health are so easily

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