
The Importance Of Multi-Tasking At Bethel University

Decent Essays

At the age of fifty, I found myself attending college for the first time. I made the decision to begin attending Bethel University in April 2015. I was very excited and determined I was going to obtain a bachelor’s degree, no matter the price I had to pay, financially, mentally or physically. After completing a year in the classroom each week, then later completing three online classes to expedite my electives, I have had the privilege to experience both classroom and online.

There are several primary differences I have experienced personally in the last fifteen months of attending Bethel University. While attending for a year in the classroom I learned a great amount from the facilitators as well as my cohorts. It took great discipline to …show more content…

Regardless of whether it is at our job, in our home, or obtaining an education, we have learned multi-tasking is a way of life. As our culture began to change, challenging women to begin working public jobs, as well as overseeing a home and children, there really was no other option than to learn the ropes of multi-tasking. Throughout the years we have witnessed more and more families becoming single parented, alluding to a multi-task environment. It has become a way of life, in order for people to survive. Does this make it a positive skill, probably not? When we find ourselves trying to do more than one thing at a time, we begin making mistakes and losing focus of what we are doing. I find myself everyday finding reasons to multi-task, whether it be at work or home. It has just become a way of life for me. As I began attending Bethel, I have come to realize I must let certain things go however, that can be put on hold in order for me to focus on my studies. I have learned it is not possible to sit and watch television as I attempt to research for a paper or write an essay. It is vital for me to have complete silence, with little to no distractions while I am completing my homework. Does this always happen? I would be lying if I said yes. As adult students we do begin to learn how important it is to prioritize in order to focus on our studies, but unfortunately, life does happen, and we find ourselves once again multi-tasking. (Chambers,

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