
The Importance Of Non-Adherence Among Patients With Cardiovascular Disease

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Application to Clinical Practice Non-adherence has adverse implications in regards to a variety of clinical conditions. Cardiovascular disease is a serious healthcare issue and accounts for approximately 1 million deaths annually in the United States. In addition, approximately 5.7 million people in the United States suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease. According to Iuga & McGuire (2010), non-adherence among patients with cardiovascular disease stands at about 50% and causes adverse progression in the intensity of cardiovascular-related complications. Non-adherence among patients with cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Medication is the primary form of treatment for patients with cardiovascular diseases. …show more content…

Such reminders continually remind the patient as well as their families and caregivers on their medication schedules. The information is also relayed to the primary physician who records and makes necessary amendments to meet the exact needs of the patient (Kolandaivelu et al, 2014). The second intervention is through patient education and outreach. Patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease should undergo extensive education in regards to their disease and medication. Patients should be educated on self-management strategies and how to incorporate medication into their daily lives. In addition, the families, friends and primary caregivers of patients with cardiovascular disease should be educated on the importance of adherence and side effects on non-adherence. Healthcare providers should educate the patients as well as their families by breaking down the complex medical terminology associated with the treatment and knowledge of cardiovascular disease. Finally, healthcare professionals should directly and indirectly reach out to patients with cardiovascular disease, particularly the elderly. The patients should be provided with medication as well as disease and medication education (Kolandaivelu et al, 2014). The second healthcare condition is in regards to HIV regimen. Patients diagnosed with HIV are required to have an adherence rate of 95% to antiretroviral therapy to ensure that they have a strong immune system and that the disease

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