
The Importance Of Online Websites

Decent Essays

The process I have been using to deduce whether online sources are reputable are as follows.
First, if using a website, I look to see if it is one of the approved type of resources I am allowed to use for my research paper. If it is not, I discard it and search for another source. If I determine that it is viable, I evaluate the credibility of the website to determine if it is authentic by looking at the home page, various articles and sources (Vandermey, 2012). I also evaluate the date the article was written or published (Vandermey, 2012). Depending on the topic I am writing about, I generally decide whether the date is acceptable based on the amount of research available on my topic (Vandermey, 2012).
I have found that determining …show more content…

One particular website, in general, stands out above the rest and that is of the American Beverage Institute (ABI, n.d.). The American Beverage Institute represents restaurants, entrepreneurs, and beverage companies of the hospitality industry and coins itself as “the only organization dedicated to protection of responsible on-premise consumption of adult beverages,” yet, their actual mission is quite contrary (ABI, n.d.). The American Beverage Institute has instead named itself as an advocate against lowering the federal standard to 0.05 BAC (ABI, n.d.).
I have found that the ABI is biased in their presentation of lowering the BAC to .05 as they only present research which supports their mission. The information on their website is well supported and documented through various research based organizations and the writing is professional, clear, and well sourced. Many of the articles do not have authors, rather the entire article is attributed to the organization as whole. In this situation, I decided that since it is a reputable organization, and the articles are backed with reputable sources, I would move forward even though I could not find one specific author for some articles. Although this website is biased

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