
The Importance Of Parental Involvement In Education

Decent Essays

Parental Involvement in regards to education is huge. Parents are the people advocating for the children. It is important for teachers to have a good relationship with parents in order to make the best decisions for the child. Teachers and parents can come together to make these decisions. In regards to special education, the parental involvement MUST be there. Parents need to make sure their child is in the right seating, receive all their services and receiving the assistive technology device that is right for their child. Parents know their child more than anyone on this earth. Teachers do know students pretty well but they don’t see what the child is like at home or sometimes get to see the student’s “true” personality. Teachers can effectively choose assistive technology for students but, what works for one student may not work for all. This is where the parental involvement needs to kick in. For example: a student may suffer from speech difficulties and can communicate a little with sign language. The teacher can say “switch to a communication board” with the parent might say “my child doesn’t make decisions well and therefore communication boards might not be effective”. The parent truly knows their child and can assist the teacher will deciding what assistive technology device the child needs. In the article it discusses the importance of parental involvement with assistive technology. The biggest take away that I had from the article was the parental assistance

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