
The Importance Of Personal Freedoms

Satisfactory Essays

Arguably, when it comes to personal freedoms, Americans have the most as compared to other industrialized nations. In the United States, (US) its citizens are guaranteed unalienable rights as put down in The Constitution via its amendments. More than one might realize, Americans often take these freedoms for granted – only asserting them when someone else brings them to mind. Such is the case now playing out in professional football stadiums across the country, as illustrated by the many players in the National Football League (NFL) who choose to kneel or sit during the National Anthem prior to the start of the game. While most Americans agree the players do have a right to protest, many believe the time and place of these protests are the issue. When the observance of the National Anthem takes place, players are on the field and in uniform, representing their teams and the league and therefore are at work. When other American workers are at work, there is an expectation of specific conduct as defined by a set of rules. This is also true for the NFL. While companies have various reasons for implementing these rules, they are designed to protect the company and its assets. Therefore, workplace policies such as limiting free speech, are necessary and beneficial not only to create and maintain an environment where employees can focus on their jobs without unnecessary distraction, but also to protect the company, its employees, and to ensure the company’s long-term survival as

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