
The Importance Of Policy-Priority Issue Of Obesity

Decent Essays

Introduce policy-priority issue
Why is this important to nursing
Recommendation for change
Name and title of legislator
Plan for presentation

The incidence of obesity continues to escalate; worldwide obesity is twice as prevalent as it was in 1980, and in the United States in 1959 less than 15% of Americans were overweight or obese, however, by 2010, that number had risen to almost 70%, and that percentage could be as high as 90% by 2030 (cite FORTUNA, #2, #6). In this author’s community, both adults and children have a higher rate of obesity, and its concomitant diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease exceeds the state rate (CITY DEPT OF HEALTH). In this author's 15-year career as an emergency …show more content…

Additionally, the caller should be prepared to give a short introduction, and an overview of the concern, along with contact information in order to establish constituency (CITE WEBSITE). Prior to meeting with a policymaker, it is important to have adequately prepared convincing argument based on facts with supporting data CITE 10. This author hopes to present the proposed policy intervention in a face-to-face appointment. The face-to-face meeting conveys that the issue is of personal importance to the advocate, and is considered the most effective approach for gaining understanding and acceptance of ideas (CITE WEBSITE & GUAR).

CITE #14 &#11, stress the importance of active listening during the meeting, advising that during the presentation, attention must be given to the body language, tone and inflection of all involved parties as they account for 93% of communication, while the verbal content alone accounts for 7%; while CITE #13 recommends increasing the odds of a successful oral presentation by making eye contact with the audience, and speaking clearly and enthusiastically with a varied rate. Should the policymaker’s schedule not allow for face-to face- interaction, the contingency plan would be a telephone presentation.
Regardless of whether the meeting

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