
The Importance Of Pre-Employment Testing : Judge And Jury

Decent Essays

“Pre-Employment Testing: Judge and Jury Pre-employment testing is being used as a means to assist in making employment decisions. There are several employment test being used, such as, psychological, cognitive, integrity, personality test to name a few. These test are being administered to provide a more in depth look into an employee or potential employee’s true character. The OPM website states, “Integrity tests have been found to measure some of the same factors as standard personality tests, particularly conscientiousness, and perhaps some aspects of emotional stability and agreeableness” (Assessment & Selection, n.d.). What ever happened to a good old fashion interview? People have become some manipulative and dishonest in their quest to beat the system have caused corporation to take extra measures to ensure they are hiring employee with moral standards on and off the job. The test are used to judge a person characters based on the results and providing a sentence by not hiring them if the results are not up to their standards. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology website states, “from an assessment standpoint, a test is a standardized series of problems or questions that assess a person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, or other characteristics” (What is I-O?, n.d.). Based on my terrifying experience with lie detective test, it would be hard for me to be relaxed enough to take a pre-employment test. Stress would probably be a major issue in my

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