
The Importance Of Presidential Power In The Constitution

Decent Essays

“This presidential power is controversial because it is nowhere mentioned in the U.S. Constitution”(Rozell). The President, since the beginning, has gained powers not specifically enumerated, increasing the power of the executive branch. Over the course of history the President has assumed many powers unlisted in the Constitution including the line item veto, executive privilege, and executive order which have all impacted the President’s relationship with Congress.

The line item veto was used very briefly during the Clinton administration before it was later declared unconstitutional, though it was wanted by many other administrations. The line item veto is defined as,“A special form of veto in which the chief executive has the right to prevent particular provisions of a bill enacted by a legislative assembly from becoming law without having to kill all the other parts of the bill at the same time”(Johnson). An example of the president using the line item veto is Bill Clinton, which vetoed part of the Balanced Budget Act which,”relinquished the Federal Government's ability to recoup nearly $2.6 billion in taxes levied against Medicaid providers”("Clinton v. City of New York."). The line item veto was then declared unconstitutional because of the President's ability to “amend” legislation that was already passed by both houses of congress, and declared that the President must totally reject or accept a bill. One major challenge towards the line item veto is that

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