
The Importance Of Relationship In Health Care

Decent Essays

Since the Go First Class (GCF) campaign was integrated into my dental facility, there has been multiple issues has arises; so, a revamp is needed for quite some time now. Here are several issues; first, the day before our exam dentist would screen schedule patients' records to see what radiograph is need. Next, those patients dental records are given to the front desk clerk holds the dental hygienist/ extended functional dental assistants (EFDA) records, these are the hygiene/exam (H/E) appointment (with is most of our patient workload). Therefore, our patients are processed through the front desk clerk, patients are “supposed” to be verified and sent for radiograph. However, there are always issues with patients not being sent for …show more content…

To make this possible I would need the practice manager, Officer in Charge (OIC) and Non-Commissioned Officer in charge NCOIC on board. My colleagues and I balance around ideas on strategies to make our day to be more efficient and effectively. The purpose of my assessment is to hopefully enhance teamwork with front desk, exam dentist, x-ray tech; also, to collaborate with my employer to accomplish tasks of importance of meeting appointment timelines, and making our patients feel important, comfortable and satisfied at their appointments. Prior to performing the assessment, I had met with my practice manager and NCOIC of XXXXX dental clinic. I had informed them of my intentions to provide new ways for the GCF program in our clinic. I explained the concerns of my colleagues and suggest that their help is greatly needed to proceed with this process. Although they were not convinced that nothing was wrong with the way things was conducted (I suggest a trial run for a least and week or two), but reluctantly they have approved my plan of actions. To get this assessment on its way, I would use various data indicators (surveys assessment and change in scheduling/patient flow recommendations). First, a survey would be given to my colleagues. This survey would focus on the dental clinic efficiency, how many patients are seen during hygiene/exam during the run of the week and did the front desk clerk process patient

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