This course took me on an interesting learning journey beginning with the development of humans from hunters and gatherers to the rise of civilizations and empires in the 16th century. A great emphasis was placed on the origins, development, and achievements of the world’s major civilizations from ancient times to the end of the European Middle Ages. In addition, the comparative study of cultures and institutions, and contacts among different civilizations was focused upon.
In the beginning on this course, we discussed the theory of evolution. I learned how humans came to be evolved and that the first humans were hunters and gatherers. Civilization developed as a result of people starting to farm, settle in one place, domesticating animals,
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We see the importance of religion in early civilizations and throughout history by the way it was valued. Religion has always been a significant part in the lives of humans and was a source of spirituality for many people. However, religion and religious beliefs also caused conflicts, skepticism, and disaster. Throughout history, we have seen frequent clashes among different religions. Similarly, we have seen individuals force their beliefs onto others and persecute those who didn’t comply. We have even seen people committing terrible acts in the sake of their religion. Up until the Renaissance, people solely focused on religion for answers. However, during the Renaissance period, humans began discovering for themselves the mysteries of the universe. The authority of the church began to be questioned and new interest in learning, classical literature, and art and major changes took place within these areas. Many new theories were proposed which changed the church centric authority. However, even though religious power was questioned and the significance of the secular world was stressed, religion continued to be valued. Religious conflict continued throughout the reformation period, with a great amount of wars taking place and contrasting views. During this period, a majority of Christians broke away from Catholicism to create
The evolution of civilization happened from many reason. Early humans living near rivers were available to water mostly. The storage of grains helped the first civilization. The surplus demand for wine and beer played a role in the evolution of civilization.
Where did human evolution start? How did the earliest civilizations develop? Diamond elaborates into the evolution of human civilizations from the beginning, comparing evolution rates of human settlements. He explains that since Africa was settled first, they have a head start in development over a continent like the
Religion is a species-specific human universal phenomenon, complex, full of paradoxes, and found in all cultures. Social scientists and anthropologists since the late 17th century have attempted to rationally answer questions about religion, and while we can't evaluate the veracity of religion’s claims, we can attempt to understand its functions.
Religion can invade, conquer, and rule masses of people far more effectively and efficiently than any empire or conqueror. This is not to spark a heated discussion about religions. Its purpose is, to say that, even though it is highly debatable whether religions are false or true, most of them serve a very basic purpose of establishing morals and values. Early religions were used as a source of power and economic growth. Even if one doesn’t believe in or agree with the teachings of any religion, history shows proof that it creates a sense of order. There are many religions in the past that have brought order and civilized conduct to large numbers of people, not through military conquest, but through the promise of reward or the fear of punishment. Religion is the glue that binds local communities into nationhood and creates common understandings and shared values that are essential to the growth of a civilization. No religion is fully formed at its start, so why did some religion play such a big role in growth of the Ancient Civilizations.
belief, the church and religion in general provided an immense amount of influence on the
Religion has influenced an entire range of changes in the elongated history of the world. The alterations that have taken place in the past are clear and concise evidence that the underlying and ultimate influence is religion. Religion has been apart of a plethora number of events in the past because, religion gives humans a clear source of origin of the universe, and carries an everlasting assurance that provides protection and happiness among the permutations in life. Religion also served its purpose in all aspects of life, especially during the events between the 1600’s and 1800’s.
According to historian Jonathon Israel, “until the 1650s Western civilization was based on a largely shared core of faith, tradition and authority.” These Enlightenment ideas, he argues, were what “caused the change that eventually led to the revolutions of the latter half of the 18th century and the early 19th century” (Israel, 2002). No matter how people choose to define it, the amount of damage that Enlightenment caused the Catholic church, directly and indirectly, was beyond repair. Concealed deep inside the very core of the Enlightenment was the impression that man’s pursuit and obtainment of knowledge was dominate to religion. This means that if someone was not able to prove something by their system of analysis or reasoning, then it must not exist.
The history of religion continues to play an important role in defining why certain aspects of religion are the way they are today. Understanding religion’s history can also help one appreciate the importance, value, and determination that certain individuals went through in order for that particular religion to gain freedom and acceptance in society. Throughout history, Christianity has shown exactly this. By learning about its history, one can gain an understanding of how it emerged into being one of the most popular religions in the world. Furthermore, better understanding of the religion, both historically and contemporarily, can help dispel any negative preconceived notions about Christianity.
From the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations to the Muslim world, antiquity has always been filled with religions of all sorts. These religions helped guide how ancient peoples lived life and came about doing even the most common tasks that people like us do today. Religion impacted the civilizations of the ancient world by greatly influencing how peoples of ancient civilizations acted, how they thought about the world around them, how civilizations were organized and maintained, and how they interacted with civilizations of another religion.
There is irrefutable evidence that over the period of the Middle Ages, both Christianity and Islam have been anchors in both shaping and influencing governance of kingdoms and empires comprising Western Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and territories ruled by Islam. Religion during this period was widely used to set laws, influence culture, justify armed conflicts, and pronounce punishment on citizens domiciled within the geographies depicted within this essay. I will attempt to illuminate the geopolitical climate, territorial demarcation, and religious influences that depicted life circa 500 – 1517 CE. From the background material submitted, I will directly answer the following questions:
All throughout history, religion has played a very important role in ancient societies. It has been a source of guidance and support. It is understood, still to this day, that religion adds to the belief that with faith in some form of religion, people’s lives will be better. Religion is commonly practiced through prayers, mythology, services, and even sacrifices. Religion has played such a large role in ancient societies that depending on the civilization, people would do absolutely anything to ensure that the god or gods were always pleased.
Religion in the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia played a significant role in developing and organizing the society. Based on the common belief of the world’s divine creation, both civilizations had regular rituals and ceremonies to honor the supernatural beings. In rituals and ceremonies, the cult was expressed as the manifestation of components that symbolized the divine such as the cult images, temples, and shrines. Since religion was an important aspect in the people’s daily lives, it also had an impact on the ruling system in the two civilizations. Even though Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia have similar foundational beliefs about the cult, different cultic practices imply the difference in the structure and the scope of
Gun regulation has been a controversial topic since they were first established as a weapon. People for and against gun regulation provide strong arguments for their side. Gun regulation has fluctuated over time due to changes in office. Being a democracy prevents us from having consistency. As a nation we continue to change regulations on guns because of the different views our democracy allows us to have. The main aspects pose the most problems in gun control are violence, illegal sale of guns, and mental health checks.
Religion in the early modern period was the source of people’s identity because people were strongly religious due to religious values encompassing the way that society functioned due to the strongly religious culture, a strong contrast with today. “Popular religious practices and beliefs were actually derived from liturgical paradigms of an incredibly vivacious late medieval Catholic
Religion has been a powerful force in human history. Mankind has longed and searched for the answers to its purpose, the reason for being and the possibility of life after physical death. They reasoned that an afterlife would be a place of accounting and reckoning for the life they lived on earth. Religious belief systems seemed to give the answers as to how to prepare for the afterlife. Religion became the means of giving answers to those basic yet deep-seated questions of both life and death. Religion provided a format of rules and laws for conduct and treatment toward others based on the desires and wishes of a god or gods that people envisioned, imagined or invented. Religious belief systems have been a powerful force for good and bad...good in the sense that it provided a measure of individual behavior and order in society for the wellbeing of the whole, but bad in the sense that men of ambition who craved power and control over others would often use religion as a tool of manipulation and fear. A casual glance of history tells us that complete civilizations have been built, grown and maintained around elaborate religious systems, ancient Egypt being a prime example.