
The Importance Of Romantic Literature

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In conclusion of her famous “Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination” (1799), Mary Robinson listed in alphabetical order the names of over forty contemporary women writers who by the prevalent injustice and literary subordination were not or only partially recognized for their contributions to the British literary community of the romanticism era. The list contained the names of well known and relatively obscure women writers, poets, novelists, essayists and dramatists, including the likes of well-known Mary Wollstonecraft, Ann Radcliffe, and the relatively unknown author of “Biography, letters, &c.” “Mrs. Thickness”. In her closing assertion, she stated that “there are men who affect, to think lightly of the literary productions of women: and yet no works of the present day are so universally read as theirs”. This assertion resonates with Stephen C. Brehrendt's position on the fate and honor accorded to women writers, novelists, essayists, dramatists and particularly poets of the romanticism era, and the need to rewrite and remap the concept of influence, and the structuralism literary and cultural theory that tends to want to place women at the periphery of romantic poetry rather than the center where they truly belong in his article the “New Romanticism for Old: Displacing Our Expectations and Our Models”. In his article, he opined like Mary Robinson, that the activities and literary works of British women authors were as influential as

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