
The Importance Of Science Teacher Educators

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Science Teacher Educators Science teacher educators have attracted the attention of stakeholders who have championed the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education (Schneider, 2007). Teacher education researchers point out that although teacher educators endorse pedagogies that are in harmony with encouraging the growth of scientific literacy, the enactment of this vision is highly idiosyncratic (Berry & Van Driel, 2013; Fletcher & Bullock, 2012). Furthermore, little is known about how science teacher educators instruct pre-service teachers to teach science subject matter (Berry & Van Driel, 2013).

Science teacher educators negotiate unique curriculum requirements that include pre-service teacher development of concepts including the Nature Of Science, scientific literacy (Fletcher & Bullock, 2012), scientific inquiry (Campbell, Der, Wolf, Packenham, & Abd-Hamid, 2012) as well as conceptual development and change (Berry & Van Driel, 2013).
The importance of engaging K-12 students in scientific inquiry is well recognized, however, many K-12 science teachers have not experienced science education that focused on scientific processes (Campbell et al., 2012). Describe what scientific inquiry Add comments regarding NOS

Darling-Hammond (2012) stress that new teachers should leave teacher education programs with the understanding of the fundamental and well-established principles of learning. This author stress that above all, new

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