
The Importance Of Self-Efficacycy

Decent Essays

The plethora of research surrounding the self-efficacy theory across various discipline and settings continues to receive support by researchers and scholars with an increase in interest in recent years to find correlations between self-efficacy beliefs and student achievement. In studying self-efficacy, researchers have found a relationship between the degree of self-efficacy and academic success resulting from families influence in shaping students through social modeling (Bandura, 1997; Roosa, O’Donnell, Cham, Gonzales, Zeiders, Tein, Knight, & Umana-Taylor, 2012), students’ self-evaluation of perceived academic self-efficacy which influences academic goal setting (Zimmerman, Bandura, Martinez-Pons, 1992) and the role it plays students’ expectations in career and life success (Kim, 2014). The increase in research, primarily in the area of academic achievement and attainment gap has contributed to the advancement of Bandura’s self-efficacy theory as the means to explore other explanations to the existing attainment gaps. Through exploration of the factors affecting the degree of self-efficacy, the sources of self-efficacy, and the role it plays in the academic setting has improved our understanding of the theory itself. Some of the existent research in self-efficacy affirms the pivotal role families play in the degree of self-efficacy because family impact the sources from which self-efficacy is developed (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001). In some

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