
The Importance Of Social Bonding And Violence In The Family

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This causes a major rift in both family relationships and social bonding, as Simpson states it is: ‘problems of employed and demanding women, unemployed and castrated men, and unruly wayward kids who gain control over the household’ (Simpson 106). Thomas J. Scheff expands and explains this lack of social bonding in his article Hypermasculinity and Violence as a Social System. Scheff builds on Marx’s early ideas on alienation, and believes like Marx that ‘(the) most important human “species” need is connection with other human beings’ (02). However, because males are rewarded when they exude aggressive and violent behavior (Klein 345) and also when they remain quiet about their emotions (Scheff 3), they are often unable to expel their emotions in a productive way, which further alienates them, and often leads to lack of self knowledge and what Scheff terms as the silence/violence paradox. This section will discuss the silence violence paradox and shame in each of the novels and how it leads to lack of social bonding and further degradation of the community. Silence and Violence Scheff examines how lack of self-knowledge, and the early socialization of male children, often leads to repression, or the silence/violence paradox as he so terms it (3-4). He believes that because boys are unable to express their feelings in an acceptable way, except for anger, they often repress their feelings and in turn, become violent. Of the silence/violence paradox he states:
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