
The Importance Of Social Norms In Society

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Within society everyone has a certain set of standards that most everybody follows. These are called norms. Merriam-Webster defines a norm as a principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior. I observed my school, Coosa High School. I began observing my school and started to figure out what the normal standards were of that setting. In a school environment the social expectation for students is to respect all teachers and faculty, behave in a orderly manner, and to be responsible and do your work. At my school I observed the normal routine of the school day as well as how my peers act within the hours that they were at school. At my school we have a seven period day with each class consisting of one, 55 minute period with a lunch break in the middle. Although the social expectation of students is nothing but excellence, that is not always the case. Students at my school always want to be on their phones or talking with other peers. Conducting this experiment was a little more difficult due to how my peers could be distracted at times. That just meant I had to be more outgoing and loud. Observing my school and experimenting violating a social norm can display many changes and realizations about social order and social structure within myself and today's society. Violating or deviating (Sumner 1955) a social norm means to disrupt and do the opposite of what society expects. Throughout my

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