
The Importance Of Student Engagement And Involvement In Education

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This report focuses on the first-year students who participated in the 2015 updated NSSE survey from the UV. Respondent profile provides more information about them and their characteristics. Out of 490 first-year students participated, there was 489 provided gender information. 137 of those were male, and they represent 42% of the total. On the other hand, there were 352 female respondents who representing 58% of the total. Out of total of 484 respondents, only 2 % of them were international. Regarding the races of the 490 respondents, it can be said that white students represent 65% of the total, The African American students represent 15% of the total. Multiracial students represent 8% of the total. Hispanic or Latino students …show more content…

The first one in the instrument is “4b.” It is about “applying facts, theories, or methods to practical problems or new situations.” 77% of the respondent had the two choices of “very much” and “quite a bit.”
While the peer institutions indicate that 72% of their participating students of the first year. The next aspect is about “analyzing an idea, experience, or line of reasoning in depth by examining its parts” which is “4c” in the instrument. 74% of the respondent had the two choices of “very much” and “quite a bit” compared to 70% of students in peer institutions. The next one is “evaluating a point of view, decision, or information source.” For this aspect, also 74% of the respondent had the two choices of “very much” and “quite a bit,” but 69% of students in peer institutions had the same choices. The last aspect under this indicator is “Forming a new idea or understanding from various pieces of information” which is “4d” in the survey instrument. For this aspect is 71% of the respondent had the two choices of “very much” and “quite a bit” compared to 67% of students in peer institutions. Overall, it can be said that regarding the indicator of “Higher-Order Learning,” the VU is fairly better than the peer institutions.
The second indicator is “Reflective & Integrative Learning” which is helping students to make connections

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