
The Importance Of The American Dream

Decent Essays

As a native-born Indian, America was the land of idealism and innovation. Growing up in Hyderabad, India until age six, I lived among dirt-filled streets cramped with shops, vendors, and masses of people. Hearing modern America romanticized by everyone around me in India, I never questioned the authenticity of the American Dream. Yet, today, many people doubt the viability of it. Defined as an opportunity for Americans to achieve success, such as economic stability, holding a job that makes one happy, and recognition, the idea of the American Dream varies. Due to its rewards, many people want to accomplish the American Dream; however, it is only viable for the few who work hard and are persistent. Assiduous work correlates to career success as well as satisfaction; therefore, the American Dream is only attainable for those who work diligently. Educational milestones, such as graduating from high school or earning a master’s degree, all require years of dedication. The tremendous effort invested to reach these milestones reflects directly in one’s paycheck. For example, data from the U.S Census Bureau reports an average individual with a master’s degree can expect to receive a weekly salary of $1,341; however, one with a high school diploma can only earn $678 weekly (Vilorio). The wide gap in their educational accomplishment causes this income disparity. Evidently, income determines people’s ability to achieve economic stability for their families and themselves. Having a

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