
The Importance Of The Conscience Clause

Decent Essays

“I WILL NOT PERMIT considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor to intervene between my duty and my patient;” (WMA 1). The previous statement is an excerpt from the Declaration of Geneva, or the Physician’s Oath. The Physician’s Oath was adopted in 1948 by the Word Medical Association at Geneva. This oath is taken by most physicians as a guideline for their duties as an expert in any medical field. However, there is a clause that undermines this known as The Conscience Clause. The Conscience Clause is a clause that made its place in American history around 1973 as the decision in the case Roe V. Wade. The Conscience clause enables someone to refuse to do a specific thing involving their line-of-work if they believe it infringes on their religious beliefs. The conscience clause was enacted after the Supreme Court Case Roe v. Wade in 1973. This clause was put into place in medical, and pharmaceutical fields as a means of protecting someone’s ethical and moral beliefs. The conscience clause should be abolished because it can inflict serious harm to those who need a live-saving treatment or medication. The clause can also be used as a means of discrimination and give some people a reason to just not do their jobs. While some the Conscience clause protects ethical and moral views, it can cause a negative impact on the other end of the spectrum. One of

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