Johannes Gutenberg a German invented the first printing press with movable type during the 1440’s. The printing press allowed for an easy way to mass produce physical copies of the text. The easy production allowed for a fast diffusion of ideas throughout Europe allowing for more people to develop a desire to become literate. The Number one text that was printed was the Bible, allowing for people to carry around their own copies and this also created question against the church. The invention of the printing press impact the lives of many Europeans. It allowed for people to challenge with the church has been teaching them and spread their own ideas and opinions to the mass.
Europe’s literacy level was not high at the time of the printing
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(POV) Tyndale is probably saying this against the Church’s text because as an English theologian and a reformer he doesn't see the church’s teachings as the true authority and truth. (Doc 3)This support against the scripture and the church created problems for the church. (Outside) The printing press aided the reformation. The protestant reformation was a movement against the Catholic Church's teachings. The reformation was led by different reformers including Martin Luther and John Calvin who each had their different interpretations of the Scripture that were published and shared to the masses by the press. The spread of information against the church gained momentum and support for and against the reformers and changed the way people thought about the church. Many would leave the church in support for reforms impacting the religious life of Europe.
The religious life of Europeans was impacted by the printing press due to the interpretations people had about the Scripture. The church had trouble controlling activists who denounced the Scripture, those who argued against it in their own works like Jan Hus had their works burned and deemed heretical. The press gave people the power to stand up against the Church and gain support for their ideas. (POV) The Council of Constance is probably saying Jan Huss is a heteric and so are his sons because they side with
The printing press was a very useful creation that helped influence many parts of history. In early European history there were two sides to the advancement of the printing press known as The Reformation and The Exploration. With the Reformation comes three documents: A, B, and C which outline the importance of spreading Protestant religion through the printing press. The Exploration comes with two documents: D and E which implements the printing press by documenting Christopher Columbus’ discoveries. When it comes to debating which side was the most important consequence of the printing press, many have differing views.
The printing press was a big invention created by Johannes Gutenberg, it allowed people to print newspapers and notes, letters and books. You didn’t have to spend years copying every single book or taking so much time to mass produce a piece of paper. I think that the most important consequence, productively, economically and religiously, of the printing press in 16th century, Europe was the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was a consequence of the printing press productively because it allowed Martin Luther to print many papers to bombard his church and ruin it (Doc B).
After the Reformation, a significant amount of social changes came to light. Nevertheless, this time in history, as shown in Document 3, wouldn’t have reached the success that it did without the printing press. This was a machine that Johannes Gutenberg invented in order to spread information quickly and accurately. Martin Luther’s message was able to be easily spread throughout Europe now. And, with people having the ability to access the Bible on their own, not only was the population of Europe able to study Scripture without a priest, but also, the literacy rate in Europe dramatically increased.
Many social changes emerged following the Protestant Reformation. The printing press and mass production of books were a major source of growth and success to the Reformation (Document 3). Because of the printing press, Martin Luther’s message was simply spread throughout Europe. Now that people could access the Bible on their own, the Europeans were able to study Scripture without a
To recap, the printing press was a phenomenal and a unique apparatus. It was constructed by a goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press made the lives of everyone simple, it was used for printing things. It was a big advancement during this time period. It was auspicious and many famous people used it such as Martin Luther. Martin Luther used it because he was disappointed with his church because they were selling indulgences. The printing press made it possible for Luther to copy 95 theses and nail them in the front door. The 95 these were known all through out, this would be impossible without the printing press to make the 95 Theses known “throughout Germany in two weeks and throughout Europe in a month.”. Although one of the consequences of the printing press was exploration, reformation was the most important because the printing press made people more literate and created new believes. They had a better understanding of the Bible and were able to tell if the pope was lying to them or not. This is why the most important consequence of the printing press was
By the sixteenth century, the trials of the medieval world had faded. Western Europe was in the middle of what is deemed the Renaissance, a time of philosophical and theological regeneration. The invention of the printing press in 1450 by Johann Gutenburg allowed knowledge to be spread and read quickly and easily. Literacy rates increased, and soon after, many began to question the Roman Catholic church’s positions and stances on theology. The first to question was Desiderius Erasmus, who wished
The Printing press was a big part of why the protestant reformation happened by helping Martin Luther spread his saying faster. In document II the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press it made is easier to spread the words of people this made it harder for the Catholic religion to spread the religion because it would spread information quicker and the Catholic Church couldn't do anything even if they tried and people started believing what the Printing press would say and started disbelieving in the church.
Many people who professed their faith to the Catholic Church started to second guess themselves on believing in the Catholic religion. Their main problem with the Church was that the Church sold lies in the form of an indulgence to their loyal worshippers. Few were able to write about their hatred for indulgences because the writing in the time period was censored by the Church itself. The people needed something so that they could speak out about the Church’s wrongdoings and Johannes Gutenberg had a neat idea to solve their problem. Gutenberg made it possible to print articles and books without the Church’s approval with his printing press (Waugh). This created the perfect opportunity for a man named Martin Luther. This man, had this great idea, and now he had a way to show it to other people. He printed his ideologies non-stop with the new Printing press (Kramer). People found out about what the Catholic Church was doing to them because of Martin Luther’s idea. The people rallied behind Martin Luther. He and his people formed their own Church which started the split of the Church and beginning of the Reformation.This all comes
The church began to lose to power because the people were no longer listening to the church, and because of what they learned from the 95 statement thesis written by Martin Luther. The thesis informed people they did not need to pay their way to heaven, pay for someone to get out of Purgatory,or pay to get to heaven (Doc.8). The writing of Luther’s 95 thesis led to the printing press being invented by Gutenberg, with creation of the printing press it allowed the people to read the bible for themselves, which in turn allowed them to think for themselves (Doc.9). With this new knowledge from the bible, people began revolting against the church and the government. This led to wars such as the St. Bartholomew Massacre. The St. Bartholomew Massacre started because Catherine de’ Medici felt threatened by the influence of Huguenot Admiral de Coligny and planned on assassinating him. They were not successful and only wounded Coligny. This caused the Huguenots to become furious which made the Medici nervous, who in turn ordered a massacre of all Huguenots. This led to a religion division. With the chaotic acts of freedom from the people, Europe created the Nation States. The Nation States were made to keep people from acting out against the government and to keep control over the
The printing press allowed for information to move around at a faster rater and in larger quantities. Also, countries could spread information with its people easier, which led to the spread of anti-protestant propaganda by the HRE. The printing press was utilised by the catholic church in order to spread propaganda against heretics, allowing for a media controlled by the catholic church telling the people what is right and wrong, and who are the enemies of the church. However, even though the printing press aided in the suppression of heretics it was also utilised by philosophers such as John Calvin and Martin Luther to spread their ideas, which were deemed heresy by the catholic church. This shows how the printing press aided both causes in spreading their ideas.
The Protestant Reformation made a huge impact on the church in the 1520’s. However, it may not have been possible without the printing press. The printing press was a revolutionary invention that allowed someone to make multiple identical copies of something quickly and with ease. This allowed information to be spread very quickly, and it also led to a changed individual.
Johannes Gutenburg was a German inventor that was born in Mainz, Germany in 1395. Although there were multiple innovations that deeply impacted multiple things that are still in use today, one of the most important ones was the printing press. Gutenburg's invention was one of the critical factors in the Renaissance. The printing press was proposed to the West in the Holy Roman Empire around 1440. It not only had a huge influence on the way citizens spent their daily lives, but also helped broaden additional information, inspired more people to be educated and it helped spread the sprouting of religion.
The printing press benefited the Protestant Reformation enormously by allowing Martin Luther’s message to spread into a mass movement, by removing control of written material from the Catholic Church, and by allowing books to be made quicker and cheaper.
Everyday people read newspapers and books, but where did printing begin? The movable type printing press by Johannes Gutenberg made this all possible. Johannes first conceived of this idea of the printing press in the 15th century in order to speed up the slow process of producing books (Bantwal). The movable type printing press, the first real technology of its kind, helped to solve problems, but in turn also caused problems. This technology did influence many areas of life in its lifespan. This includes challenging the church and poisoning people with the increased toxins from mass products of materials. Depending on one’s point of view, this invention could be the best or worst thing to happen during the 15th century. Regardless of
Martin Luther was a Catholic priest posted criticisms on the door of a church. Document B states that he wrote “Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally damned, together with their teacher,” (Document B). This quote shows that the printing press press affected Reformation because all 95 of Luther’s Theses were printed and spread. They were distributed through Germany in weeks and Europe in only a month. Without the printing press Luther’s statements, and therefore his whole movement, would not have popularized. If the printing press never made the spreading of the Theses possible the Protestant Reformation movement never would have taken off.