In this article we’ll try to shed some light on knowledge from Islamic perspective. Generally speaking, the Arabic word for knowledge is 'ilm, which, in most cases, indicates to Islamic knowledge or matters related to Sheree’ah (Islamic Law). Although, some of the Quranic verses in this article refer to Islamic knowledge, yet they are general in their meaning, and thus can be used to refer to learning in general.
The importance of education is a none disputable matter. Education is the knowledge of putting one 's potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human being is not in the proper sense till he/she is educated.
This importance of education is basically for two reasons. The first is that the training of a human mind is
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At the battle of Badr in which the Prophet gained victory over his opponents, seventy people of the enemy rank were taken prisoner. These prisoners of war were literate people. In order to benefit from their education the Prophet declared that if one prisoner teaches ten Muslims how to read and write, this will serve as his ransom and he will be set free. We can freely say that this was the first school in the history of Islam established by the Prophet himself with all its teachers being non-Muslims. Furthermore, they were all war prisoners.
On the one hand Islam places great emphasis on learning, on the other, all those factors which are necessary to make progress in learning have been provided by Allaah. One of these special factors is the freedom of research. One example of it is that in Makkah, the birthplace of the Prophet dates were not grown. Afterwards the Prophet migrated to Madeenah, the city of dates. One day the Prophet saw that some people were atop the date trees busy in doing something. On being asked what they were engaged in, they replied that they were pollinating.
The Prophet suggested them not to do so. The following year date yield was considerably very low. The Prophet enquired them of the reason. They told him that
The Qur’an was an important educational source for newly converted Muslims. It influenced their beliefs and their behaviors towards others. It changed the way the people of lower status, such as the poor and women, were treated. It also promoted equal treatment for everyone and claimed that people would be rewarded for their good deeds to others. This caused life for the poor and women to be greatly improved in places that converted to Islamic faith. In addition to bettering the lives of these people the Qur’an however also limited the freedom of them.
Education is undoubtedly the most important thing a person can obtain. Education is how economies grow. Education presents productive and fruitful outlets to channel anger and violence. Education bestows on people the ability to think freely and independently. Education empowers people to live healthier lives and cure diseases.
A good education lays the path for a better quality of life. Having an education permits us to discover oneself, the environment, and our world. This gives us the space to make educated choices about the future. Men and women who are educated have the skills, and self-confidence to make a better person out of themselves and be a great role model for those younger than them. Education has long term effects that linger on from generation to generation.
Believing that God had given scholars wisdom, education, which was more important than the “blood of martyrs,” was valued in Muslim cultures. The House of Wisdom was founded by caliph Harun al-Rashid in Baghdad. Isabella Bengoechea explains, “Beginning as a project to protect knowledge, including philosophy, astronomy, science, mathematics, and literature, it quickly became, and is still considered today, a symbol of the merging and expansion of intellectual traditions from across different cultures and nations.” This expressed the thoughts of how the House of Wisdom was simply just a project, but it turned into a representation of the mix of cultures in the Islamic Empire. Bengoechea asserts, as “the home of ancient and modern wisdom during the Islamic Golden Age,” the House of Wisdom drew attention from scholars to accomplish the goal of preserving wisdom from Europe and the Middle East. Learning to analyze and debate over information at young age in libraries and schools, learning is also considered important in the United States. Like the House of Wisdom, several developed countries throughout the world have public libraries, serving as a source of knowledge for people, through books. With the ability to quickly access information, libraries attract a variety of people, including readers and researchers. Similar to how scholars translated famous literature to
Education is important to be able to make informed decisions, draw conclusions from stimuli around you, and make responsible choices for not just you but the people your choices will affect. Being educated on certain topics such as the world around you will make your life easier to navigate and persuade people to agree with you. Human nature is to look up to and follow your superiors, or in this case the educated people that you admire to show you the right and wrong way to think or do something. Those people we look up to are people like: Doctors, professors, scientists, parents, media people and more. All of who we trust because they are more educated on a certain topic. Being an educated person will also do you well in the workforce which ties into being a productive citizens which are both responsibilities we possess as
The purpose of this investigation will be to assess how the House of Wisdom contributed to the preservation of knowledge. This question is important because it addresses the academic advances with the Islamic civilization that lead to new information. To determine the extent of the contribution to the preservation of knowledge, this investigation will examine the achievements al-Khawarizmi made in science and the achievements that were made in this library and how they were preserved through time. The area of research will be focused during the time of the Islamic Golden Age, 750-1258, and in the city of Baghdad, where the House of Wisdom flourished. A method that will be used during this investigation is the examination of
Education is the most important aspect in ones life. Through the development of education, children learn knowledge and
Knowledge in the literal translation is: facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. I think that this passage answers what knowledge for instance in the second to last bullet in my notes it says “The Arabs put their mathematical knowledge to use in astronomy, greatly improving on the stargazing equipment available at the time. Through observatories along the breadth of the Islamic world, from Spain to Iraq, they charted the movement of the stars. Thus they were able to correct many mistakes of the ancients, mistakes accepted as fact by European astronomers until Arab learning trickled into Europe following the Crusades”. In what ways have
Education is very important in the sense that in today’s society, there is not much success without education. Education allows us to grow and learn intellectually. It gives us the ability to enhance our perception of the world as we see it, and construct our
It is important to encourage the development of thinking and reasoning to enable students to use their minds. Education is important because it gradually prepares students for a future career.
Knowledge, in itself, is nothing. It can even be a burden we are gathering tirelessly and than we carry it through a lifetime, climbing obstacles, overcoming challenges, our knowledge barely helping, and sometimes pulling us back instead.
Education is one of the most important things for a society to prosper and be safe which forms the character and intelligence of the individuals around the world. Education makes one able to understand what is happening in the world logically and clearly. Education enables individuals to put their potential to use and make a difference in the future. It is essential for individuals to be educated in a way that they will expand their knowledge vastly. An ideal educational model is very difficult to achieve, and is often argued over by people in society.
Knowledge is defined to be facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education. There are two categories that fall under knowledge; personal knowledge and shared knowledge. Shared knowledge refers to what “we know because.” It can also be defined as communicated and constructed knowledge; within culture, social norms, and semiotics. Personal knowledge refers to “I know because.” An expanded definition of personal knowledge refers to personal experiences, values, and perceptions. Shared knowledge changes and evolves over time because of methods that are continuously shared. It is assembled by a group of people. Personal knowledge, on the other hand, depends crucially on the experiences of a particular individual. It is gained
Education is very essential in life no matter what age you are. Every day is a new learning experience, and the possibilities are endless. We are all different people with different mindsets and life experiences. But, we do not need traditional schooling to further our experiences in education. We all can learn various things that schooling will not be able to teach.
Knowledge is the understanding of something such as facts, information or descriptions. Many might say that we acquire knowledge through experience which is true however, a combination of stories and facts play a major role in gaining knowledge. A fact is a statement that is true and can be proven through experimentation. Stories on the other hand are accounts of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. One area of knowledge which mainly consists of facts but takes the form of stories too is the natural sciences which have been used throughout the years to understand the history of the natural world better. In art, another area of knowledge, stories play a much more important role than facts in providing us knowledge.