
The Importance of Sibling Relationships Later in Life as Displayed in ‘Rage against the Darkness: Episode 2: Bunny & Leona’

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The elderly population is expected to be the fastest growing population sub-group in Canada over the next few decades (Statistics Canada, 2011). Since the aging population requires much care, it is important to focus on their social network. An important component of the older adults’ social network are their siblings. These are individuals whom older adults share genetic, family, social class, and historical background, and to whom an individual is ‘tied’ for a lifetime through interlocking family relationships (White, 2001).
Kastner (2004) through ‘Rage against the Darkness: Episode 2: Bunny & Leona’ displays the importance of sibling relationships in later life by expressing various themes amongst Leonna and Bunny. …show more content…

The sister-sister sibling relationship, according to Cicirelli (1991) provides the most emotional support, as compared to brother-sister or brother-brother. Although, it is suggested that there may be a great deal of tension or even volatility between sisters (Bedford, 1989; Downing, 1988). An example of such a situation in the motion picture occurred when Bunny’s son took Leonna in, because she felt lonely living alone; Bunny could not handle the fact that her son was providing help for her sister, and that he should be taking care of her and not Leonna.
Bedford, V. H. (1989). Sibling research in historical perspective: The discovery of a forgotten relationship. American Behavioral Scientist, 33, 6-18.

Downing, C. (1988). Psyche’s sisters: Reimagining the meaning of sisterhood. San Francisco: Harper and Row.

Gold, D.T. (1990). Late-life Siblings relationships: Does race affect typological distribution? The Gerontological Society of America. 30 (6), 741-748. Role of personal social networks among siblings
The social support network of individuals, as they age, changes once they are either married or become geographically distant from their siblings. As suggested by White (2001), if individuals get married, have children, or establish a career, sibling relationships tend to become less central in terms of their social network. Although, among individuals who never

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